Randi Rossario rebrands Detroit independent media company


Photo Credit: Randi Rossario

Since their launch in 2014, Oh So Radio has been the leading media source for the millennial demographic throughout the metro Detroit area. The independent internet radio broadcast company and marketing hub has been buzzing tremendously. It has become known for hosting the most talked about events in media, music and sports. Oh So Radio has now been re-branded as Oh So Media Group, with a new agenda that goes beyond podcast radio. Behind Oh So Media Group is a strong force that continues to expand the company’s reach to meet the needs of all millennial professionals.

Meet Randi Rossario, CEO/founder of Oh So Media Group. Dubbed as “the queen of new Detroit,” this 26-year-old, business savvy womanpreneur is a force to be reckoned with and determined to make Oh So Media Group a staple in the rising of new Detroit. Rossario is preparing her company for what the new Detroit needs by providing a home for all radio personalities, photographers, music artists, models, journalists, and entrepreneurs. It will become a full-service, independent media company for the city of Detroit. Oh So Radio streams 24/7-365 and offers multiple advertising opportunities both online and on-air. Oh So Media Group presented their transition to the public last month and also debuted their premiere issue of Oh So Magazine and professional photography studio.


Photo Credit: Randi Rossario

Rosario prides herself on being the strong willed, businesswoman she is today, while making Oh So Media Group the best in its class. While rubbing elbows with celebrities like 50 Cent, and maintaining a close relationship with fellow Detroiter Big Sean, Rossario and her team at Oh So Media Group are working hard to attract more clientele in order to become the number one media hub for celebrity visitors.

During a one on one with rolling out, she shares more on her plans and vision for her company. Read what she says below.

Who is Randi Rossario and what brought everyone to Oh So Media’s open house?
I’m a media talent and entertainer from Detroit, and basically what we did was introduce Oh So Media Group, which is our parent company, to everything that falls under that. So it’s Oh So Radio, Oh So photography studio, and our branding architect firm Go Get Social Now. So basically we’re just branding a more professional foundation to our actual companies, and our services that we bring.

How was this opening different from the previous openings that you’ve had in the past?
The difference is now more so laying the actual brand foundation, introducing our digital magazine for local Detroit lifestyle, dining, entertainment, and things like that. I feel like we’re going through a graduation period right now, because in the past we’ve been like undergrad and just starting out. Things just change a little differently when you become an upperclassman. Now we have those clients that are corporate, we have the clients that are consistent, and the numbers in the shows are going up too.

So, what exactly is/was Oh So Radio/Media Group?
Oh So Radio is an internet radio company. We started in 2014 to allow other radio personalities to build their brand and work on their craft. I started off in radio and one thing I noticed is, to even get your foot in the door with radio stations, you either gotta know somebody or do extra stuff, and I don’t think that’s fair. Media talents deserve a place where they actually can learn how to properly be on air and learn the new wave of entertainment. I took people that wanted to be in media entertainment and taught them different aspects and showed them how to improve on their craft.

Why did you decide to graduate Oh So Radio into a media company?
Just because overall, honestly we’ve always offered these services, but it just hasn’t been on this scale. When I have clients come to me for web development and advertising regularly, I want them to be able to see a professional portfolio and website. I got a call from Google, they’re like, “Oh, you offer photography and these services, but I’m looking at your website and I don’t see it.” So initially, yeah, you want people to see what services you offer if you want to continue being successful at what you do. So our website has a breakdown of who we are, our shows on air, pricing, etc.

I noticed you have an anti-drinking and driving campaign. How did that come about?
So, antidrunkdriving.com is actually associated with Ohsoradio.com. I’ve always been an advocate of anti-drinking and driving, but in 2011, my husband was killed by a drunk driver. I knew then I would speak out against it, but I didn’t know to what extent.

What do you think is the popular demand in media in Detroit right now?
I think Detroit just needs professionalism (laughs). But as far as what we get contacted about…podcast. I think what people don’t realize is, as an independent media platform, you have to WORK. Even outside of radio. I think social media has given this generation the impression that everyone is obligated to f–k with you and they’re not. No one has to support you, but you need to make sure your ducks are in order so they would want to f–k with you no matter what.

What is your main goal with the new and improved Oh So Media?
My main goal is to allow it to function, and not have to put as much time into it. Not in a sense of walking away from it, but in a sense of because of how the professional foundation is laid, I feel like if people need our services, it’s just going to have to happen from me out chasing it because it will happen through our team members, website, etc.

Where can our readers find you on social media?
Randi Rossario across the board, and “theohsoradio” across social media. Go download the Oh So Radio App, as well.

Photo gallery credit: Randi Rossario, except here noted otherwise.

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