We are singing happy birthday to the state of Nebraska on its 150th anniversary. Born March 1, 1867, Nebraska is gearing up for an amazing celebration. Jump in the car and explore all of the magic of the Oregon trail. You have always wanted a road trip, well here is your chance to cross wide open plains. Unique fur gems and western culture will greet you along the way. Wander in western Nebraska and celebrate the state’s 150th anniversary and the 96th remembrance of the Oregon Trail crossing. It is time to tune up that “vacation” station-wagon and gas up the motor-home. Program your navigation toward Nebraska for an amazingly educational holiday vacation that you and the family will cherish for a lifetime.
The Steel Grill, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Good eating for sure. The Steel Grill is the definition of a fantastic meal. Homegrown beef dances well with their own creative menu medley. The steak nacho dish is divine. This destination is favorite hangout amongst the local’s, so you know it’s good. You will likely see the owner Lisa Weborg (pictured) — whose inspiring story will captivate you! Perhaps you may see Lisa’s brother helping out and blessing the room with his skill set as the resident pianist.

The Emporium Coffeehouse – Scottsbluff, Nebraska
The Emporium Coffeehouse is one of the top 10 restaurants in Nebraska and we see why and so will you. The food, service and atmosphere are awesome. Enjoy a taste of the wide-open range by biting into this USDA steak baby — sink your teeth into delicious food.

Breakfast in the open plains by local hospitality and National Park tour guides.

Fort Robinson State Park – Crawford, Nebraska
Let your eyes wander and your mind rest. Beautiful landscapes and rising buttes will be your morning view. Fill your day with a plethora of activity at this beautiful state park. Bike, boat, camp, cabins, motorhome hookups, horseback riding, fishing, food, hiking, hunting, picnics, swimming and trail riding are all on site. There is fun for the entire family. Hitch a horse drawn carriage around the property! Our favorite location to rest our heads along the journey are the Adobe Officer Quarters. You will enjoy this alternative option for lodging the quarters are spacious, relaxing and very quiet. Experience the authentic spirit of the era when it was an active fort in the early 1900’s. Great locals and park rangers who tell you the history of Western Nebraska make visiting this state a remarkable experience.

Landmarks – Courthouse/ Jail House Rocks and Chimney Rock
Landmarks and monuments become a reality.These destinations were a part of our school lessons and history books to see them in person is surreal. These locations were travel markers of those traveling west, indicating the hardest portion of their journey over the Rockyy Mountains. It was a place to stop and rest, resupply and a meeting site for many.

Scottsbluff National Monument – Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Certainly, a treasurable memory for you and your family. The kids will have the perfect #selfie. Stand in awe as I am sure the earlier travels did. Truly a “moment” when visiting.

There are plenty of things to see and learn; but standing atop Scottsbluff is where your social media photo’s will get people engaging in a vacation they wished they had taken.

Boot Hill – A memorial to those who perished during the booming cowboy period in the late 1800’s.
The sculpture we are standing next to was placed by the local Lions Club in honor of Samuel David “Lep” Sanders, who was one of the first settlers of the area in 1869.

Robidoux Trading Post – Oregon Trail
Way back in 1851, this was the first site of any civilization while traveling the Oregon Trail. This trading post was a site for sore eyes after endless miles of flat land! This building is amazing and gives you an idea of what this was like 166 years ago.

We loved Nebraska and so will you!