Issa Rae’s fans sounded off on Black Twitter after last night’s episode; in particular, after the scene where Lawrence finished a threesome with two random White girls he met at the grocery store. What’s interesting is although there have been questions the past few episodes about condoms, last night seemed extreme. This is the first time everyone decided to lash out about it on social media in vast numbers to the point that Rae felt compelled to respond. We know in the past Rae and Molly have been having all kinds of raw random sex with folks since season two began; now it’s a problem? Rae did respond on Twitter letting the fans know HBO will do better.

Rae posted two pictures showing there were condoms in the background. If you look really really close you can see the condoms on the nightstand. The characters just never mention them on the episode.

Check out all the tweets about putting on condoms people were spewing all over social media. What are your thoughts?