It is undeniable that Trump is a White supremacist apologist or ignorant

It is undeniable that Trump is a White supremacist apologist or ignorant
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President Donald Trump gave a draw dropping press conference in response to the to a riot and murder started by White supremacists organizations in Charlottesville, Virginia. Incredibly Trump stated that both sides were to blame for what became a race riot with neo-Nazis and other White supremacists running wild while police stood by not separating the groups and eventually becoming overwhelmed.

Donald Trump has proven himself to be a bigot with immense power. He is using this power to twist his racist and illiterate base into a justification of racial violence. From his comments about that approves of police abuse against suspects to his startling lack of a coherent unifying message in turbulent times, Trump’s  bigotry is dangerous to America.

An angry Trump went totally off script and left staff members in shock by expressing racist views that he normally held private according to one CNN host. Here are the statements that Trump made showing him as a White supremacist apologist:

“What about the alt-Left who came charging, you say, at the alt-Right? Do they have any semblance of guilt?”

“What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands and came swinging. Do they have any problem I think they do.”

As far as I’m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day …wait a minute, I’m not finished, I’m not finished fake news. That was a horrible day.”

“I will tell you something, I watched those very closely, much more closely than you people watched it….You had a group on one side that was bad and you have another group that was very violent and nobody wants to say that, But I’ll say that right now.”

“You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit,  and they were very, very violent.”

“I didn’t know David Duke was there. I wanted to see the facts, and the facts as they started coming out were very well stated. In fact, everybody said his statement was beautiful if he would have made it sooner that would have been good.  I couldn’t make it sooner because I did not know all of the facts.”

“I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. You can call it terrorism, you can call it murder, I call it the fastest one to come up with a quick verdict, that’s what I call it.”

I like Mr. Bannon he’s a friend of mine. But Mr. Bannon came up very late, you know that. I went through 17 senators, governors and I won all the primaries. Mr. Bannon came on very much later than that…and I like him, he’s a good man, not a racist, I can tell you that. He’s a good person, he actually gets a very unfair press in that regard.”

“Those people were there to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee…Was George Washington a slave owner. So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down statues of George Washington, how about Thomas Jefferson? What do ya think of Thomas Jefferson, ya like him?  Good, are we going to take down his statue because he was a major slave owner?  Your changing history, your changing culture…”

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