Shortly after Trump was elected president, comedian Steve Harvey received a lot of flak from the Black community. According to Harvey, “It was so vicious that it really threw me. I was being called names that I’ve never been called: Uncle Tom. A coon. A sellout. Because I went to see this man?!” During the meeting with Trump Harvey stated that they talked about golf for 20 minutes before they got to the heart of the reason for the meeting which he stated was to help the inner cities of America.
According to Harvey, he was put in contact with HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson and the two of them were discussing initiatives that could possibly develop. During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Harvey said he told Trump, “You’ve appointed Ben Carson as the head of Housing and Urban Development, and I’ve got keys to a lot of cities around this country from the years of performing that I’ve done. I can get an ear to them really quick and find out what their real needs are. Y’all keep closing schools in the cities. Why don’t we take those schools that are closing, put some HUD money in them, and reopen them as vision centers and teach STEM and computers and coding? If you connect me with Ben Carson, I can help him with that.”
Since that time America has seen that President Trump is a lying racist with a particularly mean streak that no person in their right mind would want to be a part of, except for Harvey. Despite Trump’s lackluster response to the violence of right-wing extremists and his recent DACA decision, Harvey has not backed away from the Trump administration.
Harvey even went so far as to blame President Obama for his initial meeting with Trump stating in the interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he met with Trump at the suggestion of outgoing President Barak Obama. According to Harvey, he was told that the Trump transition team wanted to meet with him and that it would be a good idea, But according to Harvey, his wife disagreed, he stated, “I have a relationship with Obama. We’re friends. So I say, ‘OK, cool.’ Now, here’s the crazy thing: I’m supposed to be on a boat for my 60th birthday, so my wife says, ‘Steve, just take off [and skip the meeting]. You’ll meet with him some other time.’ God, I should’ve listened.”
So far, Harvey has not announced any initiatives that have arisen from his meeting with Trump or Carson.