Lauren Elise, Ph.D., is a Nashville, Tennessee, native but has been an Atlanta resident for five years. She earned her bachelor’s in mass communications from Middle Tennessee State University, master’s of education in nonprofit leadership from Belmont University, and a doctorate of education in organizational leadership from Argosy University. Elise’s dissertation is titled, “Millennial Instagram and Twitter Followers: A Social Identity Theory of Leadership Perspective.”
Elise works full-time as a marketing coordinator in the beauty industry. She manages the social media platforms, writes press releases, blogs, advertisements, and all marketing aspects. In addition, Elise is the founder and executive director of Adjust Your Crown Mentoring Incorporated. AYCM is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit, mostly virtual mentoring organization. The organization was founded in 2016. The organization consists of blogs, vlogs, daily communication on GroupMe, in-person workshops, and fun outings in Atlanta. AYCM also offers an annual fall scholarship.
In addition, Elise is the founder and CEO of a social media management business called The Social Media Dr. LLC. She specializes in managing social media platforms for small businesses in various industries, developing social media graphics, flyers, analytics, posting, social media content calendars, consultation, hashtag research, and strategic planning. Elise was recently accepted into the Junior League of Atlanta.
What inspires you to show up at work every day?
I am finally in my career full-time after nine years post-undergraduate so I love what I do. I am excited to go to work in the morning to finish a press release I am working on for a beauty magazine newsletter! It is still amazing that I get paid to do social media every single day at work. My career journey took a few turns and it took me some time to transition communications into the new marketing phenomenon called social media. I have a natural high. I feel valued and needed in my current company. I feel like I am making a difference in the company.
When and how did the vision hit you to start your business?
I did not expect anyone to look up to me but within the last 6 years several young women would reach out to me via social media asking if I could mentor them, however, with a busy schedule including two jobs and school it was hard to commit. I have always enjoyed mentoring even back to my sophomore year in college at MTSU I was a freshmen mentor. That year I won freshmen mentor of the year voted by all the mentees. One day God gave me the idea to do a virtual concept where I am able to reach the masses. The name, color, and mission just flowed to me all in one day. So I have to give all the credit to God! And the experience has been amazing!
Describe goal setting methods you use and how you evaluate success.
I love obtaining goals that I have set; it is such an adrenaline rush for me! I write lots of lists (things-to-do, wish-list, pack list, daily task list) it keeps me on track. It constantly gives me a visual on what I need to accomplished and makes me feel accomplish when I mark a task off. In addition, for the past 4 years, I have completed a vision board. This has really been helpful and rewarding to see my goals consistently. At the end of the year, I evaluate my goals and how many components I accomplished.
Describe the voice of success that you hear in your head.
I define my own success. Success is a mindset, not a destination. You do not have to be at a certain point in your career or education to be deemed “successful”. I achieved success for being resilient throughout life. I achieved success for graduating with my bachelors. I achieved success for picking up and moving to Atlanta with no job, money, or plan.
Community success based on what you do in the community means what to you?
Community success means success for us all. I want all of my mentees to be successful and happy. When they are successful that helps me to see that my mentoring was a small part successful. If they win we all win. I want them to pay it forward by mentoring someone else. I want it to be a cycle that does not stop with just me. Inspiration is all around us we just have to be receptive to accepting it.
Technology plays what role in your daily life?
Yes, I am connected to my phone. I manage the social media of course. I also utilize my MacBook Pro every day. I created my website so I constantly keep it updated, post blogs, vlogs, and monthly newsletters. In addition, I use the GroupMe app every day to send the mentees Morning inspirational messages, discussions, and girl talk. We have 150 members in it currently and communicate daily. My mentees always have direct access to me because of technology.
What role does culture play in defining your self-identity?
I do not think culture plays a role in defining my self-identity. I created my own identity. I accepted who I am and embraced it to the max. I do not have to fit in the norm or what culture is doing. I am constantly striving to become a better version of myself, adjusting my crown making sure it does not fall off of my head. I am very transparent and honest with my mentees. I remind them that I am not perfect. I hurt, cry, struggle, go through trails, and still prevail.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I would change the amount of hate that is in the world. It is very sad to see history repeating itself when it comes to hate. If we could just love one another no matter what race, sexuality, religion, region, gender, etc. the world be a much better place. Love conquers all if only we loved more.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Not a thing. I love me.
How did you come up with the name Adjust Your Crown Mentoring?
Honestly, it just came to me. That’s when I knew it was God sent because the name hit me all of a sudden. The meaning behind it is reminding my mentees that they are all queens and they may not be perfect but we are constantly bettering ourselves and adjusting our crowns. I have seen the term Adjusting My Crown several times and I have always loved the concept. So my role to help them adjust their own Crown. I am just an aid in the process of them growing and glowing.
How do you come up with your blog topics?
I base my blogs around the needs of my mentees. In our GroupMe chat the mentees openly discuss topics that give me ideas to cover in blogs. For example, homeownership, fitness, and various careers. I also team up with other professionals that are experts in the specific areas to interview them to get the information to the mentees. I am not the expert in every aspect. You can view the blogs at www.adjustyourcrownmentoring.com
Seeing how you have a masters in nonprofit leadership, do you feel education has helped you with AYCM?
Yes, tremendously. I learned about strategic planning, fundraising, 501(c)(3) status, and how to lead a nonprofit. It is a dream come true.