The way violent thoughts and mayhem are displayed for entertainment in popular culture has once again manifested in the development of a hard-hearted mass shooter. According to law enforcement Nikolas Cruz was beyond your typical quiet kid, in fact, the 19-year-old on the cusp of manhood had displayed antisocial behavior, violent writings and legally owned an AR-15 assault rifle.
Cruz, 19, has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and could face the death penalty for the mass shooting he perpetrated at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a school he attended before being expelled over his behavioral issues in February 2017. His mother died from flu complications in November 2017 and he was living with the family of a friend and taking GED classes. There are multiple pictures of Cruz that have appeared of him in social media with guns and espousing far right-wing rhetoric while wearing a Trump-inspired “Make America Great Again” red hat.
Now it is being revealed by ABC News that Cruz has told police that demons were talking to him and instructing him during the shooting. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel released the following timeline of Cruz’s actions:
2:06 p.m.
An Uber driver picks up Cruz.
2:19 p.m.
Cruz allegedly dropped off on campus by an Uber driver, around the time students were to be dismissed for the day.
2:21:18 p.m.
Cruz enters Building 12 by the east stairwell with a black rifle stashed inside a black, soft case.
2:21:30 p.m.
Cruz exits the stairwell and removes the rifle from the rifle case.
2:21:33 p.m.
Cruz allegedly readies his rifle before shooting methodically into classrooms 1215, 1216 and 1214. He then went back and shot into rooms 1216, 1215 and 1213, Israel said.
2:27:37 p.m.
Cruz takes the east stairwell to the third floor, drops his rifle and backpack, and runs down the stairs.
2:28:35 p.m.
Cruz exits Building 12 and runs toward the tennis courts.
2:29:51 p.m.
Cruz takes a southbound turn on foot, crosses a field and runs west, attempting to blend into groups of his former classmates as they fled the scene, “fearing for their lives,” Israel said.
2:50 p.m.
Cruz arrives at a Walmart near the school, Israel said. There, he purchased a drink at the Subway before leaving the Walmart on foot.
3:01 p.m.
Cruz went to McDonald’s and sat there for a short period of time before leaving on foot, Israel said.
A student was able to record a short video of the mayhem inside the school: