Fitness trainer Lorrie Lean inspires others to be leaner versions of themselves

Fitness trainer Lorrie Lean inspires others to be leaner versions of themselves
Photo credit: LHGFX Photography

Lorrie Lean has been in fitness practically all her life. Fitness is her passion. She was a professional cheerleader for the NFL, Pro-Bowl, and the NBA. From there, she wanted to take her fitness to the next level, and that’s when she got into competing. She competed in bikini fitness and the highest ranking she received was the Fitness ESPN championship.

“I branded myself Lorrie Lean because practically all my life I’ve been [lean], but that doesn’t mean I’ve never worked hard at it. Just inspiring others to be their leaner version of themselves [is] what I do as a fitness professional,” Lean explained.

She’s a personal trainer, fitness coach, fitness instructor and has a martial arts background with a black belt in karate. One of the more exciting things she teaches is ballet, tap and jazz to kids age ranging from 3 years old to high school. Not only does she teach them the arts, she also incorporates fitness into it, so they can be leaner and healthier versions of themselves as well. In addition to fitness, in her spare time, Lean is also a celebrity host, brand ambassador and speaker.

Rolling out talked to Lean to find out some practical tips on becoming leaner versions of ourselves. Lean also talks about where her passion for working out comes from and what age is a good age to start a routine workout regimen. Check out the interview below.

You’ve been into fitness all your life and it’s something you’re passionate about. Where does your passion come from?

Either you have passion, or you don’t have passion, and that is in anything. For me, my passion is fitness and it makes me feel good. I know how important [fitness] is and [those] good feelings are what I want to share with others. My passion comes from within.

What do you call your health movement? Is there a name or style to it?

I’ve never been asked that question before. I know it’s great to have communities and communities feel great when they are a part of something. Right now, I just call it a “leaner and healthier you” movement.

What age is too old and what age is too young to start a workout regimen?

Age is something that is not in my vocabulary because I don’t think of anyone having limitations. If anyone wants to do anything then just try it. Of course, babies and infants, they may not be able to do things all by themselves. But, when they can start walking comfortably and when they can start having fun, I think is when they can start working out. Working out at that point is playing. Working out as [an] adult is playing too. I don’t think that there is an age that you should stop working out because if you don’t move it then you will lose it. If a person is at an adult age and they have never worked out, it’s never too late. Always consult your licensed physician or nutritionist. Ask them how they should start and when it is safe for them to start. After that green light from a [medical] professional go at a pace which is comfortable for you. Once you do get into a workout and you haven’t worked out before then there will be a soreness and that’s what makes people not want to do it again. You need to recover and restore yourself and heal yourself in ways, so you can continue to do what is healthier for you.

How old were you when you started?

When I started working out I didn’t even know I was working out because I was in school doing sports. When you’re in school then you don’t consider working out when you have gym class and sports. Even though I am working out now I try to incorporate a lot of fun. For me, if it’s not fun [then] I might not be doing it. For the things that I know that I should be doing then I find some kind of fun in it.

Tell us about Lorrie Lean TV.

Performing arts is my background and one of the things that I enjoy is giving my energy out. One of the things that I enjoy doing is being on stage or being in front of the camera. Lorrie Lean TV is me whenever I am hosting a show, covering an event [and] I interview people as well. I have my YouTube page [covering] fitness, performing arts and motivational things. That’s just a platform to share community-based events that are non-fitness related. I am also on the TV show called, The Daily 6, I am a fitness expert on there. The show is local in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

What would you tell women to inspire them to kick off to being healthy?

Women are the most beautiful people on this planet because they’re so strong, they take on so many responsibilities, they are so caring, and they give. Since they are so giving to families, loved ones, jobs and their responsibilities, sometimes they forget about themselves. I would like women to take under their belt a new thought of thinking of themselves first. When you eat healthier or get in your workout that will make yourself stronger, healthier, and leaner. That is going to be so important for them to give even more. When you don’t take care of yourself first, you’re not good for anybody. If you don’t take care of yourself then you won’t be able to take care of others.

How can people get in contact with you?

Instagram: @LorrieLean, @LorrieLeanTV

Fitness trainer Lorrie Lean inspires others to be leaner versions of themselves
Photo Credit: LHGFX Photography
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