Just who is the highest paid cast member on the low-brow reality show “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta”? The answer may surprise you.
InTouchWeekly published a story that reveals the most of the cast is handsomely compensated for their ghetto-fabulous theatrics and histrionics on national TV, while a few of the cast members are not making very many coins at all.
Per InTouchWeekly, Joseline Hernandez was the money queen on the widely beloved and much-hated reality show, as Mona Scott Young’s production team doled out a whopping $400K per season to the “Puerto Rican Princess” before she made her hasty — and very profane — exit off the show.
There still hasn’t been any talk of Hernandez making her comeback to reality TV via the “Love and Hip Hop: Miami” incarnation, but some speculate that it is just a matter of time before the hair-trigger-tempered temptress will unfurl all of her “ratched-ness” before the masses again.
With Hernandez out of the picture, there’s someone else who’s allegedly stacking the paper as high as Hernandez was.
Turn the page to check out what the rest of the LHHATL cast members are collecting these days: