20 questions with ‘God Got It’ fashion designers dc and YaYa

20 questions with 'God Got It' fashion designers dc and YaYa
dc and YaYa (Photo credit: The FUS, LLC.)

Meet dc and YaYa, the creative force behind the fashion brand Fearless United Story. FUS was founded with a simple idea in mind … “Do you, unapologetically, fearlessly.” 

“With that energy, our clothing is designed with a purpose to motivate and inspire while having fun,” the creators share on their website.

Here’s the interview with the Atlanta-based duo.

What is your background in fashion?
dc: I don’t have a background just a creative mind and a love for expression, apparel, shoes, and accessories.

YaYa: I have no formal training in the industry but I have friends that have given me crash courses. I design what I like and what I feel will inspire others.

What was the tipping point when you decided you were going to be a fashion designer?
dc: I’ve always been inspired by the expression of one’s personality through what they wear and always knew it was something I wanted to do. But the inspiration tipped after I was laid off from my job and right after that my father was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

YaYa: I got tired of shopping for things I didn’t love and decided to offer my perspective on the market.

What’s the worst fashion trend you ever bought into? Biggest fashion regret?
dc: I think every trend has had its significance honestly so no worsts or regrets. But, I’ll give a cool one I remember in high school my best friend and I would rock the swim trunks from Polo, Nautica and Tommy [Hilfiger] and the matching tees with cuffed sleeves. And, the shoes would have to be Shell Toe adidas and/or some crispy low-top Air Force Ones. I don’t know if that was a trend or just something we loved to do individually.

YaYa: My most regrettable fashion trend has to be Spice Girl platform sneakers.

What is the weirdest thing that inspires your work?
dc: The weirdest would probably be tv shows about food or cooking.

YaYa: Nude Art is very inspirational to me. When I’m creating I think about what I can design that complements the best outfit we all own – our natural naked selves

How do you go about selecting materials for the latest collection?
dc: I go after new or current items available in the market that will be comfortable for all shapes and sizes. And, most importantly that suit the designs.

YaYa: All production is done domestically, so I surround myself with people with years of experience in fabrics and silhouettes.

Do you have any fashion collaborations coming up? What about commissions?
dc: Nothing concrete as of yet. But we are open to both collaborating and commissions. I think the creativity would be inspiring and fun.

YaYa: None at the moment, but looking to work with a local artist whose art and message connect with the vision of our brand.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
dc: Don’t hide your light and don’t force creativity. When inspiration hits, act on it. Don’t try and save it for later.

YaYa: My best advice has come from my mother. No matter what I face in life she tells me “What’s for you is for you.”

What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received and put into action?
dc: Hurry up and put it out. Basically, rushing processes instead of making sure its right.

YaYa: I was once told, “Do what everyone else is doing.” And, it was the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever done. At that moment, I made a promise to myself. I’d never mimic anyone else or their style and to embrace my own beautiful uniqueness.

What’s your favorite piece or collection? Why do you consider it a treasure?
dc: GOD GOT IT. It was thought up and inspired six years ago at a time in my life where I felt stuck and didn’t know what I was going to do. I was unemployed and my family at the time was dealing with so much including the beginning of my father’s cancer. I went through several layouts of the design and one Sunday while I was in church it hit me. I went home and recreated it that day. It’s a simple yet strong reminder of faith. It’s been The FUS’s most popular item and our best selling product to date. I’m forever grateful for that period of time in my life.

YaYa: My favorite piece hands down has to be the Naturally Made design in our FUS collection. It’s a personal treasure because with the help of my cousin, it was the first design I brought to life myself.

What is the last place you traveled to? Did it spark anything in terms of fashion?
dc: L.A. and yes it did. All different styles and people of all sorts. The scenery of the ocean surrounded by mountains at Venice beach is incredible. And, the sound of the water and birds. It opens your mind to all sorts of possibilities.

YaYa: The last place I visited was New Orleans. It’s absolutely my favorite place to visit especially to get a boost of creativity. The vintage feel of the city and the colors inspire me to be more vivid when I’m designing.

What do you like most about spring/summer fashion?
dc: bright colors.

YaYa: I like that the fabrics aren’t as heavy and more skin’s out. I love pieces that expose shoulders and legs.

What do you like most about fall fashion?
dc: Hats, jackets and hoodies.

YaYa: I love boots and I live in our FUS hoodies and jackets.

What do you do to start your day on a positive note?
dc: Prayer is always first. ‘Gotta reflect and give thanks. But, I also meditate and will either listen to some dope binaural stuff on you tube or this you tube channel called Silent Motivation. It’s really dope. And can’t forget my cup of tea.

YaYa: I start my day by meditating and giving thanks for being able to have another day to be creative.

If we entered your work studio what would we find?
dc: Right now in my work space you would see incense, holders and the ash residue, a few candles, a bamboo plant, headphones, laptop, a few notebooks, pens, pencils, some crystals and whatever book I’m reading at the moment.

YaYa: You will most definitely see candles, books, and crystals. It’s a must I have good energy in my creative space.

What would embarrass you the most?
dc: product being poor quality in any way.

YaYa: At any given moment my family. We have a very high sense of humor and that can go left anytime anywhere!

What is your biggest fashion pet peeve?
dc: I don’t know…maybe wearing too small clothes that should obviously be one size up.
YaYa: When everyone is dressed just alike. It feels like people are afraid to have their own unique style so they “play it safe” and look exactly like each other.

What excites you about the holiday season?
dc: Outside of my birthday! It’s the only time of year I can think of where most are genuinely kind to one another. Like strangers, you may pass by at the store or wherever. People just seem happier. Like everyone smiles just a bit more often for a couple of months. And, of course family time, the food, decor, the sales, and new gadgets that drop. All of it is inspiring.

YaYa: Holiday season means good food and a fashion show. People bring out their best to argue with relatives, impressive people they don’t like and get so full they can’t move. How can you not get excited about holidays?

Every woman should own…
dc: a special mirror for those special talks we have with ourselves.

YaYa: Every woman should have a dope FUS design in her closet and at least one Little Black Dress.

Every man should own…
dc: a favorite hat.

YaYa: A good cologne. That’s normally the first thing women notice about a men

If you had an extra hour in a day, how would you spend it?
dc: I would read more.

YaYa: Being creative with my daughter. Where ever her imagination takes us that’s the only place I’d want to be for that extra hour.

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