“Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta” couple Lil Scrappy and Bambi Benson finally shared photos of their one-week-old son, Breland Richardson.
This represents the first time that Benson and Scrappy showed off the full body and face of the newborn toddler.
The infant was hilariously uncooperative during his first photo shoot, as Benson pointed out on her Instagram page:
“Our lil baby had a whole fit yesterday … we were trying to take some 1-week photos of him 😩 I just love his lil chunky cheeks 😍😍😍 #PrinceBreland,” Benson penned.
Some fans noted how Breland resembles his big sister Emani.

One fan under the photo on Bambi Benson’s Instagram page fell in love with Breland’s cheeks: “Yes, those chubby cheeks are too cute. I know you just want to kiss them. Yes, he will definitely be tall. You carried him so smoove cause you really never appeared to have gained much weight baby wise. Motherhood looks awesome on you.”
A second person added: “Cheeks like his daddy congrats yall he’s adorable. I know I’m not the only one who had to read that caption again. One week more like 1month wow he’s a big baby… I hope they gave her whatever meds she wanted at the hospital. That’s a long baby… good thing she has some height on her. How that baby hair so straight is bam mixed?”
One fan believes little Breland is going to be tall: “That’s a long baby… It must be the camera! It gotta be. This baby looks bigger than my baby and my baby for 6 months. He is adorable though! She was probably eating hella good. good thing she has some height on her. He is so cute and a big boy….. Lil football player. Congratulations to you and your family! He is definitely a healthy baby and so cute.”

Mostly, fans fawned over the baby’s cheeks, replicas of his dad’s cheeks: “So handsome. He got his daddy’s cheeks. This baby is talk for just a week, wow absolutely gorgeous. Excellent job on carrying the future “America’s next top model male edition” to full term. He looks so grown already. I would’ve believed her if she said he was 3months. Look at then chunky legs and feet- she carried so small, but she had a whole boom boom butt in there.”