Inmate with massive neck is released and says this about the jokes

Inmate with massive neck is released and says this about the jokes
Charles McDowell mug shot. Escambia County (Pensacola, Florida) Sheriff’s Office.

Former Florida inmate Charles Dion McDowell unwittingly became a national sensation after his mug shot went viral with jokes about his massive neck.

But now McDowell is out, and he has a message for the folks who ridiculed him.

Last week, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in Pensacola, Florida, posted a mug shot of McDowell, 31, on the agency’s Facebook page as they celebrated his capture. McDowell was wanted for possession of meth and coke with intent to sell or distribute. Moreover, at the time of his capture, McDowell was caught with possession of marijuana, a controlled substance without a prescription, and drug equipment.

When officers tried to apprehend him, McDowell futilely tried to flee from police, but he was quickly captured and prosecuted.

“McDowell is currently a guest at the GoldStar Hotel with a bond of $57,000,” the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office wrote in a Facebook post.

Peep the post below:

Inmate with massive neck is released and says this about the jokes
Photo source: Facebook/Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

As was previously reported, McDowell’s mug shot quickly went viral with people roasting him over his extraordinary neck size. Here are a few of the funnier ones that were posted underneath the mug shot on the Facebook page:

“ABC 3 news stated that deputies found McDowell necked in the woods.”

“You people should be ashamed of yourselves, all this neckativity isn’t right at all.”

“What they charge this guy with? Neckless Endangerment? Shat!”

“He’ll be outta jail neck week.”

“Dude up to his neck in charges.”

“His neck is still at LARGE!!!”

“I’m glad they caught him. Anyone of us could’ve been Necks.”

There were even more petty comments about McDowell’s neck on Twitter and Instagram:

After being pelted online with neck jokes and memes, McDowell had a few things to say on Facebook about the matter when he got out — as well as the women he dealt with in his past.

Flip the page to hear his response to the multitude of jokes and memes.

WARNING: NSFW, profane language

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