The Rev. Westley West, a native of Baltimore, was called to the ministry at the age of 12. Today, West is the founding pastor of Faith Empowered Ministries, leading the congregants in faithful living, commitment and community service. He understands that interaction is the baseline for meeting the needs of the people.
How important is it to have a personal relationship with God?
There will never be a relationship in your life that could easily compare to the one you have with God in Christ. You could state that you’re a companion of the president or pastor, or maybe even the leaders all things considered, yet, nothing compares to being a friend of God.
1. Your relationship with God determines where you will spend the whole of eternity;
2. Your relationship with God powers you up for daily living;
3. Your relationship with God will last for all of eternity.
What is the best way to learn how to meditate using Psalms?
I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. (Psalm 119:15) Regardless of whether we read the Bible toward the beginning of the day, over our midday break, or before bed around evening time, our timetables and obligations will in general ambush us with diversions. Truth be told, diversions are a device the adversary of our spirits uses to take our eyes off Christ and to shield us from hearing God plainly in his Word.
Aleph says in Psalm 119 that he focuses on God’s ways. As wayward people with numerous interests, allurements and individuals competing for our attention, we are incredibly helped by meditation, which drives us to focus on the Lord and block out diversions… regardless of whether just for five or 10 minutes. Concentrating on what we are perusing in the Bible gives us clearness when we go into prayer. Meditate to concentrate on how God is addressing you through his living and dynamic Word.
As a pastor, what is your greatest or proudest achievement?
Like many pastors, I experience issues asserting a “proud moment,” as to my ears, it sounds egocentric. Pastors are to serve others, not entertain grandiose (well, it feels vainglorious) thoughts about myself. In any case, I’d state that my proudest minutes are when I sense individuals’ trust in me. Nowadays, believability is difficult. These days credibility is hard to obtain, but when obtained, it is a pleasure to both the heart and the mind.
For the most recent six years or somewhere in the vicinity, I have had not just the responsibility but the privilege of being with people in times of crisis, stress and demise. I know I stand with others on heavenly ground. I realize that I am a vessel the Holy Spirit employs, but to hear the impact that I have had on others is genuinely a magnificent encounter.
Follow Pastor Westley West on social media: Instagram: @pastor_west; Facebook: Pastor West; and Twitter: @Pastor_West. Faith Empowered Ministries is at 1900 Walbrook Ave. in Baltimore.