Rickey Jasper II is an entrepreneur who runs a faith-based athleisure company called Four Thirteen Apparel. The Ashburn, Virginia, native, who currently resides in San Diego, California, graduated with a bachelor’s in computer information systems from James Madison University. Read on to find out more about Jasper’s venture.
What is your day-to-day routine like at work?
I currently work full time as a business analyst for a digital marketing agency as well as run Four Thirteen Apparel. I wake up at 5 a.m. Monday through Friday. I am at the gym before 6 a.m. and at my desk before 9 a.m. After 5 p.m. I go home, I knock out Four Thirteen Apparel tasks by hopping on team calls, scoping out new items for the upcoming launch and working on our marketing.
What inspires you to continue to grind?
I love to see how much myself and my team can grow simply by putting in the work. We don’t do anything that’s overly complex but we do stay consistent with our efforts. I’m inspired to see how far we’ve come and how far we have yet to go.
How did you determine your career path?
I received a bachelor’s in computer information systems from James Madison University because I realized early on that technology is the foundation for any business. I figured that if I had a technological background, I would be better equipped to build the foundation for any business.
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