Lamar Tyler of TSP offers tips to help Black businesses thrive

What has been TSP’s impact on the Black business community thus far?

The impact we’ve had over the last few years since our launch has been phenomenal. We have companies that came in doing low six figures and now are in the mid-seven-figure range. But even more importantly than that, we have a community of African American [business owners] that feel supported, they feel heard and they feel like somebody really gets their struggles and not only hears them, but [also] are there to help them get to the next level.

What’s your advice for budding and even established entrepreneurs?

Get formal with yourself, meaning you’re not lackadaisical. You have to have structure.

Find something that you’re passionate about.

You have to focus on the money, the profit.

If you’re jumping into this entrepreneurial game, passion, purpose and profit are [essentials].

Finally, what are the seven essentials in TSP’s stimulus package: 

  1. Daily COVID-19 Updates with Dr. Geoffrey Mount Varner (11 a.m. in TSP Group)
  2. Free Business Resources (Videos/Guides/Checklists)
  3. TSP Weekly Biz Trainings (Thursdays noon and 8 p.m.)
  4. TSP Weekly Life Trainings (featuring experts within the TSP community)
  5. TSP Quick Cash Summit (Virtual experience that will be held Saturday, March 28)
  6. Grocery Gift Card Giveaways (Weekly beginning the first week of April)
  7. $1,000 Small Biz Grants (Weekly beginning the first week of April)

For more information please visit

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