Have you gotten your s— together yet?
Kobe Bryant’s legacy was a reminder to all of us that living your best life is the only option. The path to happiness is attainable with self-discovery and soul searching. I want to believe that you’ve made strides to live your best life. If you’re not there quite yet, don’t forget the saying: “When life deals you lemons, make lemonade.”
Mishaps occur, and while your head is spinning, more s— happens. I turned on the television, and the untimely death of Naya Rivera was headline news. Another sucker punch that time is precious and to not actively pursue your dreams is a disservice to yourself. Pursuing your dreams includes finding your purpose. Ask yourself, what is my purpose? The revelation of self-discovery can be intimidating, but this is a clear indication that you have more work to do.
What does it mean to live your best life?
Find out on the next page.