Life coach Dawn Johnson helps people connect with their inner light

What has been the most significant barrier you have overcome in your career?

The most significant barrier I had to overcome was my own self-worth. Everything begins and ends with you. How you talk to yourself, what words you use to describe yourself, the labels that others put on you and you make them your truth. I had to deal with myself first and forgive myself for what I allowed for so long. I have made a choice to heal, and healing is something I must practice daily.

As a successful woman in business, what is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement in business has been thriving through a pandemic and a racial revolution. I launched my life and mindset coaching business in March. [It’s] “The Dawn Johnson Experience.” I also have collaborated with another Black woman and started a wellness company, Let Go Let Flow LLC. I was voted in as chairman of a nonprofit board that serves a Black community in North Minneapolis.

Connect with Dawn Johnson @thedawnjohnsonexperience on Instagram.

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