One of Eminem’s rhyme partners and D12 group member Bizarre had a real serious health scare last week and had to be rushed to the hospital. According to his management team, the Detroit rapper suffered a transient ischaemic attack, or TIA, which is commonly referred to as a mild stroke.
His manager took over his Instagram account and posted a picture of Bizarre laying in a hospital bed. He gave fans the news inside the post, writing, “Morning.. this bizarre manager just giving u guys a update. Bizarre doing much better he had TIA.. just want to let all fans and family to know he live y’all and he’ll be back soon dumpster juice 2021…”
Only days earlier Bizarre had posted pictures of himself in the studio on Instagram. Symptoms for a TIA include weakness on one side of the body, vision problems and slurred speech. Fortunately, they often resolve in a day, but lifestyle changes normally need to be made before medication and surgery become mandatory.

In related news, one of his D12 rhyme partners, Kuniva, also had a recent hospital stay. While not explaining what kind of surgery he had, he posted a few details about the operation on Twitter. “What’s good my people! Still recovering from this surgery and I’m better everyday,” he wrote. “I had put this procedure off for YEARS bc of fear of the outcome. The surgeons were saying some serious s— about me not being able to do what I love (rap) anymore. I was SHOOK.”
Kuniva also explained that he didn’t do any features on his upcoming project Alpha Underdog in case it was his last and he wanted his voice to be remembered. He then tweeted, “Thanks to my wife @MikaCarlisle for her encouragement and prayers. She assured me that god got me. I made Alpha Underdog with the peace of accepting that it could be my last album. Another reason why I didn’t do any features. So I put the surgery off til the 30th of Dec.”
Thankfully, both artists are on the mend.