R&B singer KeKe Wyatt was vehement in saying that biracial people are also an oppressed demographic and, in fact, are treated worse than Black people in the United States.
Wyatt was embroiled in verbal fisticuffs with “Love & Hip Hop” star Milan Christopher in an online video forum The Neighborhood Talk in a discussion about racial animus. Wyatt berated Christopher for being allegedly too pro-Black and not taking into consideration those who are the offspring of miscegenation and are also tormented.
“Because you are so pro-Black and it’s ok to be pro-Black, power to the Black people,” she said at high volume. “Black people are not the only people that have been oppressed. They are not the only ones, my n—-. Jewish people have been oppressed, okay?”
Wyatt continued her soliloquy and interrupting others. “I can keep going. I’m bi-racial dammit. We f—–g oppressed because Black people done made us feel feel like s–t. White people make us feel like s–t.”
Wyatt claims that, as the product of biracial parentage, she was treated worse than Black people, tearily testifying that Blacks wouldn’t play with her because she was not black enough. The singer added that she was not White enough to be accepted into their social groups at school, either.
“I think you [are] a cool a– dude, but I think you need to understand, Sugar, that there is more to life than just being Black.”
Listen to the heated exchange below:
