During these tough times, how do we insulate our relationships from the stress and strain of the pandemic? Now more than ever we all must step up in all areas of our lives and our love life is no different. Learning the value of the small gestures in our relationships is one way to fortify your relationships and keep them fun and exciting. Following are five ways rolling out suggests will enhance any relationship.
Surprise: Plan a surprise trip and whisk your love away from the daily grind. Escape into a beautiful world just for the two of you. I recommend a trip to a local winery, a road trip to an Airbnb getaway, a drive-in movie, a picnic by the water.
Remind: Always keep memories alive and your love vibrant by constantly reminding your love of special dates. For example, the first day we kissed, the date we officially became a couple, the day we found out we were pregnant, the date of our engagement. Commemorate these dates in a small way every year with a small gesture like a card, a love letter, a special dinner, flowers, gifts.
Romance: Any excuse to light a candle and turn on music and make your love a drink is required. Dancing, spa days and bubble baths, dressing up or dressing down, flowers, sweet treats, touch, and massage. Do these things often. Love is an action word. You have to do the work to keep the flame lit.
Emphasize: Make sure to amplify positive things that matter to your relationship. If your love did something to make you feel special, tell them how it made you feel over dinner or during a quiet time and be sure to thank them. If your love made a fitness or health goal make sure to celebrate it. Don’t let a big business deal at work or a life change go by unnoticed. Make reasons to celebrate. Make a stink, be silly, celebrate the wins big and small.
Empathize: Make sure you are best friends. Care about the small details of your mate’s life. Call to see how they are doing during the day, ask what they ate, how they feel, flirt via text during the day. Send their favorite drink or candy via Uber Eats, Instacart, or Postmates. Risk it all for the one you love. Crazy in love is an aphrodisiac, so go ahead and send silly memes, email love letters, send digital cards and have flowers delivered. If it was a bad day, find a way to soothe and nurture; if it was a good day find ways to celebrate. This is your love story. It is what you make it.