Steve Harvey has come out swinging to defend his friend Kirk Franklin. Franklin made headlines this weekend after the gospel singer’s 33-year-old son Kerrion Franklin, released a heated conversation between the two where the elder Franklin is heard cursing out his son.
Harvey took to his morning radio show and shared a few words for people judging the “Stomp” singer and his parenting skills. Harvey revealed that he called his friend to lift him up and told him he had nothing to apologize for.
“I just called him to lift him up to tell him, ‘Get your head up off the dirt because you didn’t do nothing wrong…’ The pain that Kirk Franklin was in was twofold. First of all, the betrayal of his son, that had to be devastating. That you would think so little of me that you would take me at one of my rawest moments and try to destroy me by posting something that was purely between me and you. And his son knew exactly what he was doing. That’s why he posted it,” explained Steve.
“But his son only posted the part that he thought could hurt Kurt, he didn’t post the part of what he was asking of Kurt. He didn’t post the part of what led up to Kurt’s anger.”
Apparently, Kirk and Kerrion don’t have the best relationship and the “Wanna Be Happy” singer previously explained that his son has been in therapy several times throughout the years for undisclosed reasons. Harvey also addressed the “church folks” who act as if they don’t curse or have never done anything wrong.
“The second part of it that was hurting Kirk so bad was the church. Here y’all come with y’all righteous self. You can’t do nothing wrong when you’re a Christian like every word out of Kirk’s mouth got to have crosses on it ‘cause he’s a gospel singer,” Harvey further commented.
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