As the saying goes, pimping ain’t easy, and hip-hop producer and former “Love & Hip Hop” star Mally Mall is learning that lesson for real. According to media reports, Mally Mall has turned himself into federal authorities to start his 33-month prison sentence.
In May, Mally Mall, born Jamal Rashid, was sentenced for operating a high-end prostitution service based out of Las Vegas. The 45-year-old Rashid ran the sex services ring with women he dubbed “Priority Girls,” pimping them out between 2002 to 2014 and charging clients between $1,000 to $10,000 per date, federal prosecutors stated. Authorities also said Mally Mall only gave the women $100 from a date, a small fraction of the money he allegedly pocketed, and he kept tight control of their activities.
“After a woman became a Priority Girl, she quickly learned that defendant expected her to follow many rules. For example, defendant required Priority Girls to text him when they went anywhere, they were not allowed to date anyone, and defendant encouraged them to get Rashid related tattoos to demonstrate their loyalty to him,” according to a sentencing memo by acting U.S. Attorney Christopher Chiou.
Rashid pleaded guilty in October 2019 to one count of use of an interstate facility in aid of unlawful activity.
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