Enraged Americans believe that conservative commentator Candace Owens, who is also African American, reached new lows when she called her own people “the most murderous group in America.”
Owens uttered the inflammatory invective about her own demographic while speaking with rabidly right-wing host Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Owens opportunistically used the bloodshed perpetrated by Darrell Brooks, who plowed through a Wisconsin Christmas parade and killed several people, in order to make a blanket statement about all Blacks.
She claims that Democrats downplayed Brooks’ alleged homicidal act. And then, in an act of verbal acrobatics, Owens pivoted quickly to call Black people the greatest perpetrators of violence in the country today.
Watch in awe the gerbil gymnastics of Owens saying George Floyd wasn’t about race because the cop didn’t use a racial slur while murdering him to the pivot of “Black Americans are the most murderous group in America.”
She better hope God is in Blackfacepic.twitter.com/aQSq0lePTu
— Andreas Hale (@AndreasHale) November 30, 2021
Owens also said, “the (political) left can pull a racist narrative from thin air where it doesn’t exist. When it is actually in their face they try to avoid it.”
“Especially when a perpetrator is a Black person against another White person, which obviously happens more often in this country because Black people are the most murderous group in America by rate,” Owens barked.
Condemnation quickly rained down torrentially on Owens, with sports journalist Andreas Hale penning, “Watch in awe the gerbil gymnastics of Owens saying George Floyd wasn’t about race,” she said.
Others are equally stupefied and horrified by what they term Owen’s “evil” disposition.
Dumerica – sleazy, sometimes evil grifters preaching at couchbrains and gullibles https://t.co/TFsEOAcFjE
— Rick G. Rosner (@dumbassgenius) November 30, 2021
Others remarked that Owens is merely a more enterprising and talented version of her Fox News predecessor Stacey Dash. She was only brought on Fox News, many believe, to bash other Blacks, but never offered commentary on the plethora of other relevant issues of the day.