It’s no secret that Black women have become leaders in the corporate and entrepreneurial world. Although Black women are receiving prestigious titles and owning thriving businesses, there is still a disconnect between Black women’s contributions to the workforce and what they are taking home. Gabrielle Wyatt’s frustration led to her starting The Highland Project, an organization focused on building and sustaining a pipeline of Black women leading communities, institutions and systems, resulting in generational wealth in their communities.
Why is there a gap between the work Black women are putting in and the wealth they are retaining?
There is an urgent need to reset the conversation on what it means to create multigenerational wealth in Black communities. Wealth is more than just money. Wealth is also about what has been taken from us, including our land, civil rights, and prosperity. Today, we are fighting for our ability to be socially mobile and invest resources back into our communities and families. Black women deserve to be valued and to live a good, fulfilling life that includes resources, but also the basic right to breathe — that means changing policy on the systems that continue to fail us including criminal justice, health care, and public education. We need social justice across every field and industry that centers our experiences and creates the policy changes we need simply to live. That means Black women must be in positions of power across our society. This is why I founded The Highland Project — to serve as a tool to bolster and leverage our efforts to change the trajectory of our lives when it comes to creating multigenerational wealth. We are the solution we need with our innovations, our creativity, our brilliance and our power.
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