Hallmark wants to spread love for Black History Month.
The card company announced its giving away a million cards this February to help “support and lift up the ones you love.”
All interested customers have to do is fill out the form found on the company’s website at https://greetings.hallmark.com/showlovemahogany/?mc=T_V_PA_NA_020122_ED_NA_GRT_NA_MahoganyCardGiveaway and make sure all of the information is accurate. Each customer will receive a three-pack of Mahogany cards to send to others.
The cards are based onMahogany.com, a Hallmark writing community brand founded in 2021 dedicated to connecting with Black people emotionally and authentically. More specifically, the brand focuses on giving Black women a safe space to communicate and connect with one another.
“We’re here to toast our moments, remember our motivations, trust our intuition, and remind each other just how fly we are!” the website’s About page reads.