Chef David Rose is bringing a twist to gourmet meals

The chef has a style that will change your tastebuds
Chef David Rose is bringing a twist to gourmet meals
Photo credit: Ryan Colby

Chef David Rose is a Food Network TV personality, Omaha Steaks executive chef spokesperson, and serves as a national brand ambassador for Nissan USA and Big Green Egg. He’s also the author of EGGin: David Rose Cooks on the Big Green Egg.

How did your love for food develop?

If anybody knows anything about Jamaicans and people from the Caribbean, we love to cook, drink, eat, and drink some more. Growing up in a big Jamaican household, I’m one of eight children, my mom’s one of 13, and my dad is one of 10. We’re all from the Tri-State area, we’re a big Jamaican family, and some of my greatest, most fun, endearing, loving moments are surrounded by food. Add that to my mom and dad being chefs, and me just being a lover of food, and it was love at first sight.

What makes your food different?

My style of cooking lends to different types of cuisines. It’s a mixture of Jamaican and the Tri-State area — which is New York, New Jersey, Connecticut — and Indian, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Puerto Rican, Colombian, Italian, and the list goes on and on. I remember as a kid it was a thing for me just hopping around from restaurants and bars, and just trying all different kinds of food.

I’ve been in the South for 20 years now, so there’s definitely a Southern influence. I’m also classically French trained, so whatever I’m cooking, whatever I’m making, whether it’s a traditional recipe or a Southern recipe, I elevate it with my … training. I also make sure to always add a Jamaican twist, so you’ll probably find some type of spice or southern twist to what I’m making. I kind of say my food is my culinary road map. When you taste my food, you’ll taste my culture, heritage, and where I’ve been.

What’s your thought process when you’re about to cook something?

Sometimes it comes to me when I’m sleeping or when I’m riding my motorcycle. I like riding up in the Georgia mountains, and when I do that, my mind is clear. That’s when I think my mind is the clearest and I’m not thinking about anything. That’s when some of my best ideas come into my head. I also get inspiration when I’m tasting the meal. I might add this, or I might say this is not so good, so let me add that or substitute that. I’m constantly looking. Like artists, when that muse hits you, you have to run with it, and write it down. Like an artist, there’s always inspiration in something. Sometimes it’s just everyday life, so the plate is my canvas.

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