With the devastating way Lolita Monreaux has been ripping off those rapid rhymes with machine-gun ferocity and an infectious flow, it is hard to believe that she just discovered her prodigious talents during the apex of the pandemic in 2020.
Likewise, Monreaux admits that she is still floating on air that she has been in the musical bunker working with the very legends on her debut album, Napoleon Complex, that she used to listen to when she was in high school.
There is a very simple and rather unusual reason that Houston-based rap legend Z-Ro discovered this spitfire gem Monreaux from Missouri City, Texas, aka “Mo City”:
“She was rapping with her clothes on,” Z-Ro said with his vintage baritone delivery on the “Off the Porch” podcast while referring to the oversexualization of some female artists in the rap game. “The s— she was saying, I can rap with that s— as I’m riding in my car.”
Folks have been riding and vibing with Monreaux and her Napoleon Complex project. This is particularly true with the blowtorch cuts “I’m Not Lying” — replete with a horror-story themed video that puts you in a whole mood — and “Fresh Set of Dominoes.”
Monroeaux was so high from laying down tracks with her musical idols that she could have levitated right off the ground.
“That was one of those wild moments being in the studio and actually being around legendary artists from my city while they were recording my project. I got to be in the studio when Lil Keke did my verse,” Monreaux recalled. “I literally grew up in the mornings getting dressed for school, getting dressed to this man. To look up and he [is] recording for my project, like that was crazy.”
What’s also crazy is the fact that this high scholastic achiever is just 12 hours away from obtaining her Ph.D. But now the woman who is almost “Dr. Lolita” is performing invasive surgery on her haters and enemies on wax.
“I do have a Napoleon complex,” Monreaux admits. “I’m real reserved, I’m tucked in. But if you want some problems, you know, I’ll meet you where you are.”
In fact, it’s Big Lolita’s verve, valor and vivacity, coupled with her lyrical prowess, that has Z-Ro getting déjà vu vibes as if he’s watching a female replica of himself.
“It’s crazy to watch somebody else do so closely like what I’ve been doing for the whole time. And the fact that she’s dope … I guess, the right way to describe it would be like, [if I] reinvent myself to somebody else,” Z-Ro, aka Mo City Don, explained to rolling out. “I kind of feel like, I’m watching a younger version of myself, getting ready to become me all over again. So it’s interesting.”
And Monreaux is doing it all with her clothes on.