A potential juror in the upcoming Young Thug RICO trial has been arrested and sentenced to jail time.
Juror 1004 was arrested by Fulton County sheriff deputies and the judge initially sentenced that person to three days in jail for recording the court proceedings.
“I went through a very long and arduous process of telling people what they could and could not do and you violated that,” Judge Glanville said to the juror, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
The 21-year-old female admitted to filming but stopped when a fellow prospective juror informed her that she violated the judge’s mandate prohibiting any filming of the proceedings.
“It wasn’t live-streamed at all,” the potential juror explained to the judge. “I did take a video and then the young lady next to me said I couldn’t do that.”
The deputies checked her phone history and found that she had put the video in the “recently deleted” folder.
The young woman told the court that she was unaware that she was in violation because she had just been chosen for jury duty and didn’t hear the judge’s admonitions back in January.
After the prospective juror was initially given three days in jail, she was reprimanded and allowed to apologize to the court and said she would never do that again. She was therefore allowed to leave at 3:30 p.m. She will be chosen for jury duty for another trial.
Incredibly, the newspaper reports that more than 1,200 jurors have been chosen to serve but not a single person has been seated, despite the fact the court began the process in early January. Incredibly, despite the inordinate amount of time that has already elapsed, the jury selection process is expected to last several more weeks.