Terrell Owens had an amazing career as a wide receiver in the NFL, but it looks like that success didn’t follow into his dating life with Black women.
During an Instagram Live session with former NFL wide receiver Chad Johnson, Owens opened up about his experiences with Black and White women.
“My experiences with Black women growing up wasn’t so good,” Terrell Owens said. “When I started dating White girls, my first experience with White girls was when I went to college. I tried to date some Black girls when I was in college. They did not like me. I was skinny, I was scrawny, I was teased from high school even to college, and I got teased for being dark-skinned. There were a lot of self-esteem issues.”
Owens said his dating experience changed a little when he encountered one White woman.
“When I got my first experience with a White girl, it wasn’t bad, but I didn’t totally gravitate to White girls after that,” Owens said. “That wasn’t the situation. So again, my experiences with Black women growing up wasn’t so good, but that still didn’t deter me from still dating or pursuing Black girls. Where I am, it’s not even about color, it’s not even about race. For me, it’s about somebody that I have some chemistry with, good energy, and I get a good vibe with. That’s where I am. We all want somebody that’s attractive. Aesthetics are gonna play a big part.
“Anybody that says ‘Oh, well I don’t care what a person looks like,’ that’s a lie. We all want somebody that we can roll over and wake up to that looks pleasing to the eye.”