Rolling Out

4 drinks that harm your kidneys the most

To protect your kidneys, opt for water, unsweetened teas or infused water with fruits or herbs for flavor
Photo credit: / LightField Studios

Your kidneys are indispensable organs, vital for maintaining your body’s internal balance. They serve as the body’s filtration system, removing waste and excess fluids from the bloodstream while regulating essential functions such as blood pressure, electrolyte levels and red blood cell production. Despite their critical role, kidneys are susceptible to damage, especially from the beverages we consume.

Certain drinks can impose significant stress on the kidneys, potentially leading to long-term harm. This article will explore four beverages known to be particularly detrimental to kidney health and offer healthier alternatives. By understanding the impact of these drinks and making informed choices, you can protect your kidneys and promote overall well-being.

It’s crucial to recognize the importance of kidney health and take proactive steps to preserve it. Through awareness and mindful consumption, we can minimize the risk of kidney damage and maintain these vital organs’ optimal function for years to come.

1. Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks, such as soda, fruit drinks and energy drinks, are high in added sugars, which can be detrimental to your kidney health. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity and Type 2 diabetes, both of which are risk factors for kidney disease. Studies have shown that individuals who consume more than two sugary drinks per day are more likely to develop kidney disease. To protect your kidneys, opt for water, unsweetened teas or infused water with fruits or herbs for flavor.

2. Alcohol

While moderate alcohol consumption may not pose a significant risk to kidney health for most people, excessive drinking can be harmful. Alcohol can disrupt the normal function of the kidneys and lead to dehydration, which can strain these organs. Chronic alcohol consumption can also increase the risk of high blood pressure and liver disease, both of which can contribute to kidney damage. To protect your kidneys, limit your alcohol intake and opt for non-alcoholic beverages instead.

3. Caffeinated drinks

Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production and can lead to dehydration if consumed in large quantities. Chronic dehydration can strain the kidneys and increase the risk of kidney stones. While moderate consumption of caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea and energy drinks is generally safe for most people, excessive consumption can be harmful. To protect your kidneys, limit your intake of caffeinated drinks and opt for decaffeinated versions or herbal teas instead.

4. High-sodium drinks

Drinks high in sodium — such as certain sports drinks and packaged juices — can contribute to high blood pressure and kidney damage. Excess sodium can disrupt the balance of fluids in your body, putting strain on your kidneys. To protect your kidneys, choose low-sodium alternatives and limit your intake of high-sodium beverages. Additionally, avoid adding extra salt to your drinks or meals.

Your kidneys are indispensable for your well-being, serving as the body’s natural filtration system and playing a vital role in maintaining optimal health. Protecting these vital organs is crucial, and one way to do so is by making mindful choices about the beverages you consume.

Avoiding sugary drinks, excessive alcohol, high-caffeine beverages and high-sodium drinks can significantly reduce the risk of kidney damage. Instead, opt for kidney-friendly alternatives such as water, herbal teas and natural fruit juices. These choices not only support your kidney health but also contribute to your overall well-being.

By taking proactive steps to protect your kidneys, you can ensure that they continue to function optimally, filtering waste and maintaining your body’s internal balance. Your kidneys work tirelessly to keep you healthy, so it’s essential to give them the care and attention they deserve. Choose wisely, stay hydrated and prioritize your kidney health for a healthier future.

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60 Responses

  1. The manufacturers are allied with the pharmaceutical firms to encourage diabetes to sell more drugs. Sugar & salt are are in high amounts in food also.

  2. I found out that I have kidney stones and I need the information. I don’t drink much water and it’s problem. My mom had kidney issues but we didn’t know until she passed away.

      1. I have had one kidney since l was 3 months old l’m now 70 yo and have never had any kidney problem at all the key is drink alot of water to keep them flushed out

    1. For the person who has kidney stones u can get a gout medicine and it helps with stones don’t know correct spelling but it’s call allopurinol. It really helped me and my brother hope this might help

      1. It didn’t help me. I was on the med for quite a few years. I’ve had kidney stones and this past Aug. had a huge one I couldn’t pass and became Septic and others in the right kidney. I had a procedure ESWL to break up the stones. That worked.

  3. I limit my intake of sugary drunks and caffeine. Very good article and I should drink more water than soda which I have limited.

  4. The best drink for dissolving kidney stones is lemon juice fresh from fruit. I had a kidney stone and was dissolved that way.

    1. I have chronic kidney disease and I drink it as a substitute to soda but in moderation like anything else.

  5. My urine is highly smelly. My first thought was a UTI but have been tested and it was negative.
    I drink a lot of sweet tea. No sodas and no coffee. So my question is why does my urine smell so bad. What can I drink to help with the
    smell. I have no other symptoms.
    Thanks for your help
    Lisa Sikes, 64 years old,
    I take a lot of pain killers due to neck & back injuries.

    1. Sometimes it could be some foods that we eat, like if you eat asparagus your pee stinks check that out when you eat asparagus!

      More lemon water, fruits and vegetables, green smoothies, & good hygiene!

    2. Your meds can make your Urine Smell , example Antibiotics gives a loud smell, I drink lots of water with Lemon Juice, smoothie Mix With (Ginger and Honey), Veg. Cottage Cheese, Raisin Bran, Curry, and Sea food, very seldom do I eat cake, soda or candy. Check over the counter for Hygiene (Vaginal), your Gynecologist should know

    3. Tea messes my kidneys up worse than cokes. I don’t drink either. A cup of coffee in the am then water the rest of the time. My urine often has to be sent to the lab to grow for several additional days before it looks bad.

    4. I had the same problem. Then I realized that I was very thirsty after having tea with lemon juice. I cut out the tea, drink 6 glasses of water every 24 hours, plus cranberry juice w/o sugar and cranberry supplement. Also drink anti oxident drink.

    5. Drink more water about 1/2 gallon to 3/4 daily
      Lemon juice is great

      Urine that smells is likely an indicator of stress placed on organs in particular kidneys
      Try detoxifying certain organs that also aid in digestion along with the kidneys
      Stomach/small intestine/ large intestine
      Liver/ pancreas

    6. I had a similar problem and I’ve increased my water intake. I take 8oz slowly every hour. Water is magic and most people don’t realize that. If I have a headache or am smelling my sweat or my urine is dark. I up my water intake. Try it for a good 3 weeks and you’ll see the difference. Also pain killers can cause serious liver problems. Read the packet.
      Blessings 🙌

    7. Ask your doctor about it. Consult a dietitian as some foods and medications can cause this also. Sweet tea in the quantity it sounds like you’re consuming can cause dehydration, but more importantly can cause anemia. Tea is a diuretic and the concentration of urine could certainly make your urine smell strong or unpleasant. I’m a nurse so I am giving you accurate information. I helps this helps you find a healthy solution. 😊

    8. I had that problem, just drink plenty of water so you can flush system, that will make you pee nore..the more you pee the less the smell.the less you pee the more it smells. Words from my urologist.

    9. Try the cranberry kidney health gell caps. Works very well..I take pain killers too. Fused from L1 to L5 and work on my tailbone.. it can be found in the vitamin section of Walmart..much cheaper at Walmart then CVS or Walgreens. I’m 53 years old had same issue with my urine.

    10. J.D. McZorn
      Taking medically prescribed and over the counter medicine in various quantities is filtered through your kidneys, urinating and your poop. The strong smell in your urine is a result of your meds intake and your beverages consumptions. I have, at times experienced strong, mediciny smells in my urine and poop. It is also wise as my kidney doctor has recommended to consume large amounts of water daily and less of other beverages. Water helps your kidneys tremendously in the filtration process to do its job. My In doing so my kidney scores have gotten better.

    11. Water a loud smell of urine, is a sign of dehydration. Your kidneys need help. Drink at least 6 8oz cups of water a day, you will notice a change in the color and smell of your urine.

    12. For what it’s worth, in my case, if I eat certain foods my urine is strong smelling. Especially with red meat. If the smell is not everyday try writing what you eat everyday and when you get the odd smell look at what you ate the day before and that day and monitor for a month or so. If it is everyday, that might be easier to monitor what you eat on a regular basis. If you have been checked, and great that you did, I suspect your diet. Of course just an idea because that is my case.

    13. See a urologist. I am 69 and was having problems like this. Thought it was infection but my urine cultures were negative. I had blood in my urine. (Smells) Mri showed renal carcinoma in my left kidney. I will be having the cancer and kidney removed on March 11.

    14. Use boric acid suppositories, they restore the pH balance. I have this problem and use them. You can get them on Amazon.

    15. Do you eat a lot of garlic? I know when I do my urine smells like hot soup! Lol 😆 but when I back off the smell goes away. Remember kidneys filter everything. So spices go through the urine too when consumed a lot. Eat more green veggies and fresh fruit. That should help.

    16. It could be that your pee is concentrated. Tea is a diuretic which can lead to dehydration if you are not drinking enough. Drink plain water or add few drops of lemon. Omit sugary drinks which is not good for the kidney.

  6. Just from experience, tea gives me UTI’s . Alot of times my doctor has to send my urine to the lab because it doesn’t show up when tested in the office.

  7. I am Diabetic Type 2 & love Sparkling Ice drinks & use as water replacement since it’s too hard for me to drink as much water as I should be a day. Is that a good or bad thing. I also like hot herbal teas & occasional cup of coffee. I have not produced anymore kidney stones since first 2 after my 2nd son was born over 35 years ago.

  8. I have Spongy Kidney Disease; my kidneys are riddled with small oxilate stones that can grow so large they cannot exit the kidney causing dangerous infections in a matter of hours. No pain, immediate 104+ temperature, emergency surgery to remove the stone, kidney stints, and a days in ICU to treat sepsis. #1 on the forbidden list is any type of dark drink, no colas with or without sugar and caffeine, no Dr Pepper or root beer, no tea or coffee. If I can see through the drink like Sprite, it is OK to drink. I am encouraged to drink a lot of lemon water to help my kidneys dissolve stone to keep them small enough to pass. It is also crucial that I follow a low oxilate diet and that is difficult, no spinach or dark green leafy vegetables (kale), no potatoes or root vegetables (beets), no bran or whole wheat, no berries that are seeded on the skin (raspberries), and the list goes on. So many of what is recommended “healthy” foods are dangerous for me to eat. If you have had repeated kidney stones I highly recommend adding a Nephrologist to your list of specialists, they are able to monitor, regulate the ph of your urine and quite possibly save your life. Do your research on hi-oxilate diets, you may be shocked to find, like I did, that in efforts to eat healthy and lose weight, I am now in Stage 3 kidney failure. Also NO ketosis type diets, dumping protein in your kidneys is to be avoided. I hope this info may be of use to someone out there. Everyone’s body is different, and much of what is marketed today can be very harmful to you.

    1. I also CKD 3 caused from high blood pressure %. My #s have be stabilized for a long time I bounce fro 3a to 3 but diet DOES play a VERY crucial part on kidneys and pain meds including Motrin.

      1. I have stage 3 as well. Damage due to high Blood Pressure. Everything’s under the control now, so, so I’d like to drink coffee twice a day. Should I stop? Also, what is the best drink? 4 stage 3? Thank you very much . email [email protected]

  9. I was diagnosed with kidney disease and was bedridden in hospital for about a month. I spent 4 days in ICU, I almost died. Since then I have to get blood work done at least once a month, to check my kidneys levels, to make sure the numbers are going down. Kidney Specialist told me that there is a chance that my levels can go back up. So far I been doing good, levels haven’t gotten high. This causes damage to where I am not able to be independent, I need a walker to get around, I can’t drive. I even had a stroke while in hospital. I pray 🙏 that overtime I will get better, it’s all I can do. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has, or is still going through the same way. Healing prayers

    1. God Bless you. With all you already been through would make my blood pressure jump. You just keep playing, best medication. Praying for you.

  10. I have the same thing. It got better after the doctor told me to drink more water. Now it happens once in a while. I also cut down on drinking alcohol. I am 63. When I was younger I never had this problem no matter what I drank. So I think it is also associated with age. Damn time flys. 🙂

  11. I didn’t like drinking water either. Even, if it was refrigerator cold. Then I started CRAVING WATER. BUT, I WOULD STOP DRINKING IT, ONCE IT WAS WARM. BUT, I STARTED CRAVING ICE WATER LIKE CRAZY.

  12. I have stage 4 kidney disease and I wish I could drink more drinks other than the boaring ones they say are safe for you. I do drink a tremendous amount of water so that has to count for something.

  13. I drink water all the time to keep hydrated and also when I’m bored!!!
    I’m trying to lose weight!!! I started working out,not lifting weights yet.
    I quit smoking not too long ago but I use nicotine alternatives to dipping,chewing,but I see it sometimes!!! I love fruit water also!!
    BEST THING YOU CAN DRINK INSTEAD OF SODA, ALCOHOL,and ALL THE BS TO RUIN YOUR KIDNEYS!! Caffeinated coffee is FINE,only in MODERATION!!! There’s WATER with CAFFEINE also for a CAFFEINE FIX!!! Take my advice and you can’t go WRONG!!!

  14. My kidneys are sensitive to citrus.
    I can eat an orange or half a grapefruit, maybe twice a week.
    Sugar has never affected me, I know when to stop consuming sugar, I get small blisters on my tongue and then I know to stop.
    I love the smell of coffee, but I cannot drink it.

  15. I’ll be 88 years old this August and can’t remember the last time I drank any water I drink about 6 cups of liquid a day that consist of milk, coffee, a little soda and once or twice a week I may have a little wine or vodka or beer. I never had any urinary problems. I also play tennis three times a week and most of my tennis friends keep stopping to drink the water they bring between sets and can’t understand, how come I don’t drink any water and all I know I tell them I listen to my body and if it’s not asking for any, I don’t need it and I never feel or dizzy, so go figure why I don’t drink or need water and my laboratory tests every six months always come out perfect no problems

  16. I love sweet tea. It gives me a boost for the day. Every time I try drinking lemonade I get acid reflux. Wish there was a pill I could take to help me!

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