A life-changing moment led gospel singer Elon to her ultimate purpose

The singer’s latest single is titled ‘Restart’

By following the voice of God, Elon has found her purpose and a lane of music where she feels that she can make the biggest impact in others’ lives. In her latest song “Restart,” Elon is letting her listeners know that regardless of what happens in your life, with the help of God, anything is possible, and they can overcome all challenges.

Elon spoke with rolling out about her musical journey, her latest single and what direction means to her.

Do you remember the moment you wanted to take music seriously? 

Freshman year of college — that was my first time ever recording and hearing myself on a professional microphone.  However, [t]he type of music that I was making back then wasn’t something that I could have felt proud about putting out. I stayed quiet for a minute, and I went through this season of kind of being in the wilderness. … [I]t was me and God just figuring things out, and I’m like, “God you have given me this gift and I’m not really sure how you want me to use it.” I spent that time writing music and just writing my feelings and things like that. … [T]hen back in 2022, I got shot.

During that time, I didn’t know what God was trying to tell me, but it felt like He was trying to tell me something. I spent a lot of that time during my recovery, just listening to different music, still writing and still transitioning. One day, I was listening to a beat and … just started writing these lyrics, and it was, like, “I’m praying for directions, but I’m busy counting other people’s blessings.” I was so busy that I couldn’t see that there was music inside of my heart this whole entire time. It was a song called “Directions,” and that was one of the first songs that I ever recorded as an adult. Hearing myself just being able to flow freely, and doing so in a way where I was glorifying God that felt, like, “Okay, this is it. This is where I’m supposed to be.”

What does direction mean to you and what should it mean to other people?

Direction is being able to follow God wherever He’s leading you. Quite often, a lot of us get caught up in trying to make our own plans and, when the plan doesn’t work out, we’re gonna be mad at God, or … be frustrated because our plan didn’t work out. The whole time, if we’re not moving in alignment with God, are we headed in the right direction? When I put my first single out called “Restart,” the hook says “Keep me in your arms, because I can’t do this by myself. I know I’m better with your help and in you, my soul has now found rest. Keep me close to your heart, don’t want to risk me falling apart. I’ve come too far to have to press restart.”

I think in Christianity, oftentimes people get afraid of failure. In hearing those words, I want people to be inspired and understand that you can always come and have a fresh start with God. There’s nothing that you’ve done that He hasn’t seen before. There’s nothing that could take you too far from the love where He would pull you back. That’s my musical journey, and what I’m trying to share with others.

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