Actress Christina Anthony brings ‘Clue’s’ Scarlett to life

How Christina Anthony’s Chicago comedy training shaped her leading role in ‘Clue’

Actress, comedian, writer and vocalist Christina Anthony stars as Miss Scarlett in the national tour of Clue. After making her mark in TV and comedy, she returns to theater after a decade away, bringing new life to this iconic role at Chicago’s CIBC Theatre.

What drew you to the role of Miss Scarlett?

I grew up, I played the game when I was little, and then I was reintroduced to the game by my youngest niece […] I got a call, you know, a friend of Sandy Rustin is the writer of the play, adapted it from the movie […] I was very curious because it is a period piece. It’s set in 1954. You know, Black folks, we’re not big on time traveling [laughs]. But then I sat down and I thought about it […] I did some research and really read up about Black women business owners. Miss Scarlett is a business owner. It’s an adult business, but it’s still a business […] what would bring this Black woman, probably from the South, to Washington, D.C., in the ’50s and become a real power player?

How do you balance working across TV, theater and comedy?

You know what, moving from genre to genre, platform to platform, I will say it’s not easy […] You have to constantly reintroduce yourself. But if you really love it — you know, for instance, I love doing stand-up. And then I step away from it for a while, and I do television […] my time at the Black Ensemble, my time at ETA, my time at Second City, you know, I put my time in.

What was it like returning to theater after 10 years?

Look, I will share this with your audience because I know that they’re going to be gentle and understanding. But your girl was tired. I had been spoiled on TV […] This play, let me tell you something, it’s 75 minutes and I never leave the stage. Never leave the stage. I’m talking about sweating. I’m talking about running. It’s a lot. But I’m glad to be back.

How has it been navigating this world as a Black woman?

I would say I wouldn’t wanna be anybody else. It’s a beautiful experience […] I know things won’t necessarily be handed to me […] One thing that I was taught was once you kinda get your foot in the door and you get the dream that you want, leave the door open […] I appreciate the Black women that have come before me, especially Chicagoans like Claudia Wallace, Deanna Griffin […] Jackie Taylor at the Black Ensemble — just hold the door open and be like, “Come on, come through, sister, you can do this.”

What do you hope audiences take away from your role in Clue?

I don’t know if Miss Scarlett was always Black in their [minds]. So, I’m excited for them to see my take on it. And again, [consider] the perspective of what [it takes] to be a Black woman in 1954 in a murder mystery. And then also, I love that she is a businesswoman — always calculating, always thinking. And it’s something we need to remember. Always be thinking a couple of steps ahead. That’s [something] we can all take that into our own lives.

When you reflect on the evolution of your career from The Jackie Wilson Story to now starring in Clue, what excites you about the direction your career is headed?

I believe that it’s just headed to more […] It’s no secret; I got on television and I was probably older than what I expected. But I hope that other people, whatever career, know it is OK to be a late bloomer. It’s OK to percolate[,] as they say. And I am so excited that I know the best projects and the best years are ahead of me […] It doesn’t matter when you start, just get started. And so, I’m excited for what’s to come. I don’t know what those things are, but I’m excited for them.

Clue is playing at CIBC Theatre from Feb. 18 – March 2, 2025.

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