Poet Hannah Sawyerr says writer’s work should connect

Hannah Sawyerr is a Sierra Leonean-American author and an MFA candidate at the New School for creative writing. In 2016, Sawyerr was named the Youth Poet Laureate of Baltimore. Sawyerr’s poetry has been featured on the British Broadcasting Channel and

Why ‘A Black Women’s History of the US’ is a must-read

Chinua Achebe, the great Nigerian novelist, once said; “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” The saying conveys a sad truth: that the people who teach history share only the

‘Thick’ details the misogyny Black women face in publishing

In the opening to her groundbreaking essay collection, Thick: And Other Essays, Tressie McMillan Cottom writes, “I was pregnant at thirty. Divorced at thirty-one. Lost at thirty-two.” McMillan Cottom’s Thick chronicles the challenges Black women face in trying to make a space

Teen author Maryam Muhammad says everyone must live their truth

Maryam Azeeza Muhammad is a 19-year-old journalism student and poet attending Temple University in Philadelphia. She is the author of the book Bantu Knots and Butterflies: A Written Reflection, a collection of poems in which Muhammad explores spirituality, self-determination and

Vanessa Baden Kelly tackles gender roles and marriage in new book

Rolling out sits down with actor, screenwriter and writer Vanessa Baden Kelly to discuss her upcoming book, Far Away From Close to Home. In the book, which is a collection of essays, Kelly discusses womanhood, maternity and the lived experience of Black

5 classic books that explore race and feminism

Black women are criminally unrepresented in the publishing world. Despite this, Black women have written some of the most influential works of literature in American history. Here are five classic books by Black women that you’ve got to read or

Bestselling writer Tochi Onyebuchi pens memoir

Author of the popular sci-fi and fantasy novels Riot Baby and Beast Made of Night, novelist Tochi Onyebuchi is known for depicting complex social issues in fantastical worlds and settings. Readers will be surprised to learn that Onyebuchi’s latest project will

5 Black sci-fi novels to add to your library

It is often hard to find science fiction books with Black people as the central characters. That being said, representation matters, and in recent years, Black science fiction has begun to pick up steam with major publishers. Here are five