
5 apps to streamline your workflow

There are tons of apps out there, and many can work great in a business context by looking at the purpose of the app itself.

Jay Z’s Tidal app flops

He may be one of hip hop’s biggest names, but that doesn’t guarantee success. Just a month following the launch of Tidal, a new music

App users may be risking their privacy

[jwplatform TqzcdAUf] Most of the popular apps on your smartphone ask for permissions that expose data to outside sources. Watch as people on the street

Under 1 roof: How to pick your roommate

It’s traumatic enough to decide if you want to even attempt to live with someone, but finding a person who fits your personality may be

Rap Genius website debuts new iPhone app

Popular rap lyric deciphering website Rap Genius has just made it that much easier to catch every lyric for all your favorite songs with the

5 free apps to help organize your finances

In light of the recession, there have been an increasing number of students graduating college without employment, forcing many to have to work lower wage

Best iPhone apps for runners

Love to run? The Apple app store offer a variety of apps that help you run new routes, run at faster pace, improve endurance and