
Here’s why Morehouse School of Medicine is genius

Morehouse School of Medicine believes in the secret power of African healing. PROMETRA International, a global leader in African traditional medicine research, projects, and services

African musicians record ‘Africa Stop Ebola’

[jwplatform U9PVbOKf] A group of well-known African musicians,including Tiken Jah Fakoly, Amadou and  Mariam, Salif Keita, Oumou Sangare, Kandia Kora, Mory Kante, Sia Tolno, Barbara Kanam

Drug dealer sells Ebola heroin

In sales and marketing, branding is everything. This basic fact of marketing was not lost on alleged drug dealer Barnabas “Hammer” Davis, 47, a New

Possible Ebola case in New York

Harlemites are worried right now as there is a resident who was recently traveling to Africa who came down with Ebola-like symptoms and was rushed

Ebola making investors a huge profit

The worst fears of many Americans has come true, the Ebola virus is now in the United States. The virus was first officially introduced into

Nigeria declared Ebola free

It seems that when combating the deadly Ebola virus the world can now look to Nigeria for solutions. On Monday, the government of Nigeria announced that

Texas strippers caught up in Ebola scare

With all of the chaos surrounding the latest health scare to hit the United States, the CDC is moving swiftly to contain any possible outbreak. Within

How a town in Guinea overcame Ebola

“When we got the results from Conakry confirming that Ebola had reached our place, we were scared,” shares Dr. Maurice Ony Beuvogui, the director of

1st photo of Dallas nurse with Ebola

Ebola is not going away anytime soon in the U.S. Nina Pham, 26, is fighting for her life. She was on the medical team that

Iggy Azalea goes off on paparazzo

Maybe those questioning Iggy Azalea’s gangsta cred need not question any further. The Australian-born rapper recently had a run-in with some pesky paparazzo in a supermarket

Ebola patient in Dallas dies, get the details

Thomas Eric Duncan of Monrovia, Liberia was pronounced dead today, Wednesday, Oct 8, 2014. He was undergoing treatment at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas

Dallas Ebola patient dies; hospital to blame?

Thomas Eric Duncan died this morning due to complications from the Ebola virus. Duncan’s health began to deteriorate this weekend. Doctors at Presbyterian Hospital decided