Since graduating from Howard University in 2008 with a BBA in marketing, Felicia Harris has lived and worked in New York City, the District of Columbia and Philadelphia with various businesses and nonprofit organizations to strengthen their impact across the region through organizational development, brand strategy, fundraising and marketing. She is principal of HiTouch Enterprises, a full-service strategic communications and development firm that uses innovative fundraising, event planning, and brand strategy to support the growth of nonprofits, small businesses and public figures based in Philadelphia. She is also the co-founder of Philadelphia Voter Education Week and vice president of governance for the Spruce Foundation.
In addition to her professional career, Felicia works every day encouraging families, students and other leaders to use their voices to advocate for quality education, reduce violence, hold government agencies and businesses accountable, bring women to full equality and provide equal access to jobs and resources for minorities. She is Founder and President of the Influencing Action Movement, Chair of the Philadelphia Commission on Women, 3rd Vice President of the Philadelphia NAACP and a walking Deacon at Salem Baptist Church of Jenkintown.
Rolling out took some time to talk with Harris on what makes her successful. Take a look at the interview below to glean some jewels from Harris’ success journey.
What is your favorite affirmation and how has it been a factor in your life?
“Service is the rent we pay for our time here on earth.”
I heard this saying one time in high school and it always stayed with me. I graduated in 2004 from the Philadelphia High School for Girls Class 248! One of the speakers touched on how being afforded a quality education was a privilege we should not take for granted and we should always be mindful of how our blessings can be blessings to others. Ever since, I’ve always made giving back a priority in all that I do; from the mentoring programs I have created for the community service projects I work on with other organizations. I’m always working to pay my rent in full.
Beyond the scope of your work, what causes do you support and/or participate in?
Much of the community only knows me as the founder and president of Influencing Action Movement, a nonprofit which provides access to opportunities for high school students and professionals through mentorship, civic engagement and community service. However, IAM is my give back; it’s my passion project to help others. I don’t profit from the work put into IAM at all. The return I get on that investment is the fulfillment of helping others succeed in life.
How has goal-setting factored into you being able to attain success?
I am a planner and goal setter to the core! Growing up I would make a list of goals I was interested in accomplishing, work hard to reach them, check them off the list and set new goals. However, I hit a period in my life where I was working hard to reach goals I set for myself and was not achieving most of them. Then the goals I did set and achieve, I found were not benefiting me. I hit rock bottom and had to put my full faith in God. The goals he set for me were greater than my own. Often times I have struggled going through the doors God has opened for me because those goals weren’t on my list. Once I surrendered my entire will to him all was well. Now I always ensure my goals align with God’s and trust what He has for me is for me – this is the ultimate key to success!
Finish the sentence: Expressing gratitude to those around me …
Expressing gratitude to those around me makes all that I’ve accomplished meaningful. Without my village of support and believers in me, there is no value to my success!
Finish the sentence: Learning to let go of trying to be perfect has helped me …
Learning to let go of being perfect has allowed me to grow and appreciate how my imperfections make me unique; my imperfections are my added value.