Naomi Campbell Calls Cadbury Racist After Her Name Used in Controversial Chocolate Ad

Naomi Campbell Calls Cadbury Racist After Her Name Used in Controversial Chocolate Ad Naomi Campbell, once again, refuses to hold her tongue. The 39-year-old supermodel is outraged and offended that Cadbury had the audacity to use her name in an ad for their Dairy Milk Bliss bar— she calls them racist. The ad reads, “Naomi, there’s a new diva in town,” … “I’m the world’s most pampered bar.”

“I am shocked. It’s upsetting to be described as chocolate, not just for me, but for all black women and black people,” she said, according to the Independent. “I do not find any humor in this. It is insulting and hurtful.”

C’mon now Cadbury everybody knows that race, skin color, etc is a worldwide “touchy” subject, so why in the H-E-double hockey stick would you use it to refer to a black woman…Epic Fail! And to think, the Obama’s were just over in the U.K supporting the marriage of the Royal Prince William and Kate. I’m with Ms. Campbell…nobody is stupid , I’m getting that that ad was trying to be funny and cover it up with something sweet, yeah right.

Naomi Campbell Calls Cadbury Racist After Her Name Used in Controversial Chocolate Ad

Campbell is reportedly considering “every option available” after Cadbury refused to pull the ad campaign, which ran in newspapers last week. Activist groups in the U.K. are calling on people to boycott the brand and have even gotten Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson involved. Simon Woolley of the group Operation Black Vote wrote to them, expressing his anger for the incident and asks for their help. “I want them to know what their parent company is doing in Europe. I’ve asked them to support us.” Seems like Mr. Woolley knows exactly what time it is by getting the “reverends” involved. Cadbury… you’re going down! A spokesperson for Cadbury insisted that while the ad campaign was “a light-hearted take on the social pretensions of Cadbury Dairy Milk Bliss,” the campaign was “no longer in circulation.” Still, Woolley thinks the company should be ashamed of itself and I agree. “Racism in the playground starts with black children being called ‘chocolate bar’. At best, this is insensitive, and at worst it demonstrates Cadbury’s utter disregard for causing offence,” he said. “Its lack of apology just adds insult to injury. The Eurocentric joke is not funny to black people.”

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