It’s time to take things back to the good old days … back when love felt a tad bit simpler … back when music made you nod your head in approval instead of scratch it in confusion … back when gas prices were manageable, and you would drive for hours just to listen to your favorite love songs.
That’s the time I want to go back to…
I keep thinking back to songs by Jodeci, Boyz II Men and Babyface. Those songs, no matter the emotion I was feeling, just sounded so damn sincere. I don’t care what I was thinking about at the time —being madly in love or scorned to the point of contemplating hypothetical murder (you know, so I wouldn’t go to jail) — those songs made me feel.
Again, that’s the time I want to go back to…
So, today, I decided to do just that. I dug back into the recesses of my mind to piece together five musical moments that played a pivotal role in my understanding of how to express my romantic emotions. Enjoy my moments, then share some of your own. What musical moments helped shape your love intelligence? Let a brotha know.
The Artist: Boyz II Men
The Song: “On Bended Knee”
The Lesson Learned: Erase pride when it gets in the way of love. Sometimes, you have to humble yourself to win back the one you love.

The Artist: Brandy
The Song: “I Wanna Be Down”
The Lesson Learned: There’s no point in beating around the bush when it comes to expressing how you feel. If I want her, then I need to let her know.

The Artist: Shai
The Song: “Comforter”
The Lesson Learned: It’s so important to be there for your woman and let her know that, no matter what is going on in her life, you have her back.

DeWayne Rogers is the author of The Fly Guy Chronicles, your in-depth guide to love, relationships and all the cool things in between.