4 Deadly Diseases That Kill Blacks Disproportionately: How to Beat the Odds

4 Deadly Diseases That Kill Blacks Disproportionately: How to Beat the OddsType 2 Diabetes

How deadly is this disease?

is the sixth leading cause of death of whites, but kills twice as many blacks.

It is estimated that one in every four black women suffers from this deadly disease, and 30 percent of those suffering from Type 2 diabetes are children.

Type 2 diabetes  is especially dangerous because most people do not know they have it until very late in the disease’s progression.

In its advanced stages, victims of this ailment go blind, have irreversible nerve damage, lose digits and limbs, experience kidney failure and develop high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. There is no known cure for diabetes. Once it is acquired it can be kept at bay with drugs and lifestyle changes.

What is Type 2 diabetes ?

Simply put, the cells in our bodies use glucose from our meals to produce energy. After a meal, the pancreas releases insulin which moves the glucose into the cells, lowering the blood sugar level. In some people, this insulin production is diminished and the cells cannot access the glucose, causing it to build up in the blood to destructive levels.

Type I diabetes is a form of the disease that is diagnosed in young children whose bodies never acquired the ability to metabolize glucose. Only about ten percent of diabetes cases are Type I, and its victims require daily injections of insulin to help their cells use glucose.

The shocking reality is 9 out of 10 diabetics have the Type 2 malady, which is directly associated with diet.

What causes it?

Type 2 diabetes is caused by an ongoing and excessive intake of sugar and factory-processed foods high in carbohydrates, and the disease is often (but not always) associated with obesity. A person who consumes sugary drinks, sugary snacks and excessive amounts of breads, cakes, processed cereals, and other foods high in carbohydrates is at increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes — including children.

What are the symptoms?

• Frequent urination
• Unusual thirst
• Extreme hunger
• Unusual weight loss
• Extreme fatigue and irritability
• Frequent infections
• Blurred vision
• Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
• Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet
• Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections
• Often, people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms!

Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem relatively harmless. Recent studies have shown that early detection and treatment of Type 2 diabetes can significantly decrease the chance of developing the disease’s dangerous complications.

How can I avoid this disease?

The number one enemy of diabetes is information. Those who educate themselves about proper nutrition and exercise, and have the will to adopt a healthy lifestyle, can completely avoid this killer.

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