Ché Hill of KCH Services LLC Receives Assistance from People Fund for Deaf Entrepreneurs of America Foundation

Ché Hill of KCH Services LLC Receives Assistance from People Fund for Deaf Entrepreneurs of America FoundationName: Ché Hill

Occupation: President of KCH Services LLC, dba Deaf Entrepreneurs of America Foundation™

Years active: 7

What motivated you to pursue this line of business?

We got introduced to the deaf community through a family friend. We decided to learn the language as a family and began interacting with the Deaf community on a regular basis. We inquired about where the deaf-owned businesses in DFW were located so that we could begin supporting them. To our chagrin we were told, ‘The deaf don’t own businesses.’ At that moment we decided to use our business services and trainings to educate deaf entrepreneurs on how to run successful small businesses. D.E.A.F mission is to put the dream of business success within the reach of everyone regardless of special circumstances or disability.

Why did you feel the need to institute this loan?

D.E.A.F is expanding rapidly. Our services are in high demand from the state and private sectors. This start up loan that has been offered to us by the People Fund of Dallas will assist us in hiring additional contractors and purchase needed services to keep up with our growth.

Who will be able to benefit from this loan?

There is a significant lack of services for the deaf and hard of hearing. Through this loan from People Fund, D.E.A.F is able to build on our current services, and begin expanding to provide new trainings and programs. Most importantly D.E.A.F can continue to service the needs of the D/HH which number over 250,000 in DFW metroplex.

What are the qualifications to apply for the business loan?

Because KCH Services dba D.E.A.F. was an existing businesses the requirements were:

  1. Complete People Fund Loan Application
  2. 1 year business tax return
  3. Year-to-date financial statements
  4. Last 3 months business bank statements
  5. Debt schedule (a list of all business debt, including original balance, current balance, monthly profit and income, interest rate, maturity)
  6. Breakdown of use of loan funds
  7. 1 year personal tax returns
  8. 3 months personal bank statements
  9. A/R Listing

For more information, please visit

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