This is either a testament to the digital age that we live in, where it is acceptable that funeral-goers pull out a cell phone and snap a photo of the dearly departed to share with the world, or this is one last act designed to hurt the departed’s family.
In any event, the last photo of Lil JoJo was released on YouTube.
The poster suggests that you “please pay your last respects, and keep it moving,” so the poster’s intentions may have been for the fans of Lil JoJo who could not make it to the funeral to pay their respects virtually.
In real-life, however, Lil JoJo’s funeral did not go so smoothly.
“Get the f— out!”
Those were the words of Robin Russell, mother of slain teen rapper Joseph Lil’ JoJo Coleman.
Lil’ JoJo had been a musical rival of rap superstar Chief Keef; and according to sources, sought to challenge him in the studio with his next release. It is believed that Lil JoJo’s lyrics had fueled the animosity between several rival street organizations, and members of these organizations were fans of Chief Keef’s music.
Lil JoJo was shot down last week while riding on the back of a friend’s bicycle through his neighborhood. Witnesses have reported that a car slowed down next to Lil’ JoJo, who was standing 0n the back of the bicycle while his friend peddled, and opened fire on the teen.
Lil JoJo died of his injuries.