Biggest Republican meltdowns because of Obama’s re-election

Biggest Republican meltdowns because of Obama's re-electionPresident Obama’s re-election proved incontrovertibly that there are many whites who have always been, and continue to be, loyal and patriotic to Anglo-Saxons and not so much the United States of America. Or, put another way, they are fanatically loyal to the U.S. as long as there is a white person running the country.

This past week the floodgates have been blasted open with an incessant stream of maddening meltdowns by white Americans who have spewed vicious vitriol, forwarded racist theories and have even taken their own lives in protest of the first African American president winning a second term, Barack Obama.

Below, rolling out has compiled, with the aid of and the New York Daily News, some of the most ridiculous, bizarre and tragic responses to Obama’s retention as Oval Office occupant.  

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