Water aerobics: Alternative to your regular workout regimen

Water aerobics: Alternative to your regular workout regimenGoing to the gym five days a week can become mundane and boring, right? For those just starting out,  having  variety in your workout plan may make the road to a healthier you a lot more fun.  Everyone knows that swimming is an excellent full body workout, but what if you can’t swim? Why not try water aerobics? Water aerobics isn’t just for the older crowd anymore. Water aerobics is a great way to workout for all fitness levels. It’s a low-impact exercise, making it ideal not only for the elderly or pregnant but also those serious athletes who may be suffering from an injury. It burns just as many calories as a regular exercise class without all the sweating and exhaustion and it helps strengthen some of the same areas without spending hours in the weight room. Give it a try the next time you need an alternative to your daily workout regimen. Check your local recreation center or YMCA to inquire about the classes they offer. 

Here are some of the benefits of water aerobics.

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