Outrageous! American Apparel Tshirt showcases masturbation and menstruation

American ApparelConfuse me?!?!

Clothing retailer American Apparel has collaborated with Toronto-born artist Petra Collins, 20. She curated The Ardorous, an-all female online platform featuring T-shirts. She’s designed one screen-printed power washed tee featuring a woman’s chest wearing a wet tee and the most confusing of the collection is the one featuring a woman masturbating during menstruation, or as they describe it, “self pleasing.”

According to the website, Collins “creates portraits exploring female sexuality and teen girl culture.” Baffling …

Fifty percent of proceeds from the sale of these garments go directly to The Ardorous artists and 50 percent supports American Apparel’s vertically integrated, sweatshop-free approach to business.

Taking all into consideration, will you wear it?

See them for yourself. NSFW.

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