Pastor Regan Robinson reminds us that God has much in store for those who love Him

Regan RobinsonPastor Regan Eugene Robinson is an associate minister at St. Timothy Community Church in Gary, Ind. and is described by friends, colleagues and parishioners as an “excellent preacher and teacher, compassionate, and having a great sense of humor.”

While a senior at Hammond High School, Robinson received and answered the call to ministry. He honed his spiritual gifts by enrolling in the American Baptist Theological Seminary Extension Program of East Chicago, Ind. and studying Homiletics, New Testament Theology and Paul’s Epistles. On Dec. 27, 1996, the New Community Baptist Church of Hammond, Ind. granted him a license.

The father of one son, Riley, Robinson believes strongly in transparency. One of the biggest hurdles he’s had to mount is “the feeling of guilt for having a child out of wedlock.” For him, embracing Riley for the first time is one of his testimonies that God is in the blessing business.

His theme scripture is “Eyes have not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man those things that God has in store for them that love Him!” This is from the biblical scripture I Corinthians 2:9, quite simply because God continues to do new things, unexpected things, and marvelous things in his life and ministry.

Pastor Robinson’s preaching gifts and love for the Lord have allowed him to serve in various areas of ministry including that of serving as chaplain for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.

For nearly two decades, Pastor Robinson’s ministry of preaching and teaching has brought many to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Read what he has to say.

What is the most difficult thing that you have had to overcome?
The death of my father.

What memberships or affiliations do you have with organizations?
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.; Prince Hall Mason, Indiana Jurisdiction; NAACP, Gary Chapter; National Urban League; Leadership Northwest Indiana; Interfaith Clergy Council; and a board member for the Gary Literacy Coalition.

What are your three personal goals?
Earn my Ph.D., take care of my family to the best of my ability and retire by 65.

What topics do you feel most strong in speaking on publicly? 
The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the value of education and social justice.

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