Radio’s Jean Ross on broadcasting and business basics

jean ross

Jean Ross is the operations manager for WVEE-WAOK and the program manager for WAOK radio in Atlanta. This radio veteran took the time to discuss her career, radio and success.

What inspires you to show up for work every day?
The opportunity to provide information and access to the community drives me to arrive at work every day with excitement and the commitment to “get the job done.” In my role as program director for WAOK, I am making decisions that allow the community to have conversation with some of the top leaders in this city, state and country. It is an exciting time to be in talk radio.

How did you determine your career path?
My career path started with aspirations to be a television news anchor. In the process of obtaining experience as a reporter, I started working for my college radio station WEAA at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. During my training at MSU, I developed a love and a passion for radio. Years later after several opportunities to work in television as a talk show host and reporter, I decided that radio is my true calling. More than 30 years later, I still wake up every day excited to have a job in radio.

Describe the future skill sets that are essential to future business leader and innovators?
In this day of digital technology, future broadcasters need to understand the multilevel platform that now exists and will have to embrace the opportunity to connect with the community on those levels. No longer do people just turn on their favorite radio station to hear songs they may like and find out the news of the day. Now everyone has the ability to be a reporter to their circle of friends or followers. Knowing how to effectively utilize the internet, print and broadcast for the dissemination of information will allow the individual to increase the numbers of listeners who may be able to benefit from the opportunities presented.

Describe goal setting methods you use and how you evaluate your success?
My success each day is determined by the enthusiasm exhibited by listeners who are members of our radio family.  If I receive a call from a listener who says “I like this or I don’t like that” the mere fact that a person has taken their time to contact someone at the station to express their opinion means they are not just a casual listener. That is a person I want to hear from because I want that person to listen to us.

Names 3 books that changed how you saw life and you recommend to others?The Secret, Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, and Let It Go by TD Jakes.

Describe why lifelong learning is important to you?
I believe we learn something every day we live. If you don’t learn something every day you have wasted an opportunity that you will never get back. As we go through life, lessons that we learn help us deal with people and situations. Many times we learn things about ourselves when we open our minds and our hearts to lessons of the day. When we learn it, is easier for us to teach others.

What are the three most important factors of being a successful woman?
1. Being able to have a balance between work and personal life.
2. Learn how to remain humble
3. Always look for an opportunity to serve

What social media or digital tool has made the biggest difference in your life and why?
Facebook has made a huge difference in my life because it has allowed me to keep in touch with people I had crossed paths with somewhere in my life but thought I would never see again. It helps keep your sense of history. Don’t get me wrong … I am not one of those who has to post an update on everything that I do. Some things need to remain private.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
I would want everyone to be the same color so we could be members of the human race …period.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I would learn how to take care of myself better. I am someone who will put everyone else ahead of me and then wonder why I don’t have time to do what I want to do for me.

What are the dos and don’ts for young women in business?
Do the best you can do at whatever job you have.
Don’t engage in office relationships. Ninety percent of the time they don’t work.

Name three successful female role models and why.
Michelle Obama; because she had the foresight to see the potential in Barack Obama.
Cathy Hughes; because she took her love and passion for radio and built a multimillion dollar empire.
Women who are foster care mothers; because they open their homes and hearts to strangers and in many instances make a difference in the lives of the young person.

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