Maturity demands an improvement in attitude and expectations. When a real man wants to attract a real woman for a serious, committed relationship, certain immature habits are no longer permitted. Here are seven below:
- Going through your mate’s phone, FB account, email. Are you secretly going through your mate’s phone, FB account or perhaps email because you don’t think she’s been completely honest? That’s a no-no. Being mature means showing trust, respect and having the courage to love the other person even when you feel vulnerable.
- Comparing your current relationship with previous relationships. Are you comparing your current lady to your ex and discussing it with your friends? Why? Making these comparisons is unacceptable. Everyone is different and deserves a fair chance. Secondly, every relationship is unique and by understanding this, it will allow you the ability to handle the challenges that may arise in your relationship.
- Sending your friend over to talk to a potential mate. Really? Why are you sending one of your friends over to talk to your potential love interest? I find it very cowardly and a turnoff. If you like the person, you need to reach out to them for yourself.
- Pretending to be someone else. You meet the woman of your dreams and like them so much, that you pretend to be someone else to impress her. Why are you trying to be an introvert, when you are a true extrovert? Do you not realize that the real you will eventually come out? And, it takes too much effort trying to be someone that you’re not. When dating, it should be an opportunity for you to give the other person a heads-up on who you really are and that means being 100 — genuine and authentic.
- Allowing your friends to dictate who you date. Your love interest is completely up to you. A mature man should know what he wants and expects from a relationship. However, there’s nothing wrong with telling your friends about the lady that has caught your eye, but at the end of the day, you and only you, should make that decision for yourself.
- Playing the ignoring game. You go out on a date and decide that you have nothing in common with the person. However, instead of being honest about your feelings, you just completely ignore their calls, emails and text messages. Men, it’s best to be respectful and just tell the person, that you’re not interested. In turn, they will appreciate your honesty and will be able to move forward with finding their potential soul mate, instead of speculating during your silence.
- Waiting to call. You just had a great time on your first date with your potential soul mate. You decide to not call her for a week because you don’t want to appear needy. If you are mature, you understand that there are no time constraints on reaching out to someone that you are interested in. Again, during this waiting period, you allow the person to speculate and in their mind they may think that you’re not interested and decide to move on to someone else. And that would be your fault and loss!
Gentleman, you should always want to be respectful, honest, appealing and the kind of person a future mate can be proud of. Having this level of maturity will also help you to attract the right woman of your dreams.