According to an Experian survey (July 2015), the average credit score of millennials is 625. Today, while most millennials were gearing up for Halloween parties, Rainbow PUSH was able to captivate hundreds of Atlanta youth to participate in a life-changing and -impacting free Money Matters series, sponsored by Chevrolet. As part of the 16th Annual Creating Opportunity Conference/PUSH Tech 2020 Summit, the event was held on Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015 at the Hyatt in downtown Atlanta.

This Rainbow PUSH Money Matter series taught participants how to build a solid foundation as it relates to personal finances and how to stop paying more for everything. They were exposed to the wisdom of Rev. Jesse Jackson and a trifecta of financial experts: Bill Cheeks, president of ABBA Associates Inc.; Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche and phenom Gail Perry Mason.
Event organizers knew getting youth to give up half their day [the event lasted from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.] was going to be a tough feat, so they provided a free lunch and emphasized the immediate benefits to fiscal literacy and responsibility, “It is not about how much money you earn, so much as it is about how much money you keep. Understanding the money game is equally as important as getting a college education or that next big promotion.”

“If I am financially literate, I will think for the future …even a squirrel, which has a small brain, collects acorns in the summer for the winter. Even a squirrel knows you must have nuts for tomorrow,” Rev. Jesse Jackson recited to the eager attendees who repeated the litany.
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