Rolling Out

5 questions with Trish M of The BOSS Network

Trish M
Source: Facebook / Trish.Morrisette

Walk us through your journey to success. How did you get to this point?
My journey took a lot faith, hard work, perseverance, determination and dedication. In my mind, I had no other option but to be a success. There were many times where I questioned if this is what God really wanted for me. I now understood that my process was setting me up for greatness and not setting me back for destruction. I simply had to endure the good with the bad and learn from every struggle, every mistake and every disappointment. There was always a bigger picture staring me in my face. I committed myself to seeing that big picture daily. I reminded myself of my “why,” and as I did that, the “how” began to fall into place.

What do you do to stay on top of your game professionally?
Every single day of my life, I listen, watch, or read something that would inspire, motivate and educate me on how to continue growing and developing my brand. I challenge myself daily to be forever learning so I can position myself to be forever receiving.

How do you balance your personal life with your professional?
There was a time where I would get very little sleep. I was always working. During those times, I didn’t realize that I was missing out on the most important thing that was starring me directly in my face: my family. The more I matured and developed, the more I learned that what I didn’t get done today, could simply wait until later when everyone was asleep or when I could start again. I had to strategically put myself on a schedule for work. After a certain time, around 5:30 p.m. or so I was off the computer and spending precious, valuable moments with my family. I understood that I could never get that time back, so I simply had to prioritize. I learned quickly that I couldn’t give everything the same amount of time, but once I prioritized, my life got a whole lot better. Business didn’t interfere with time with my husband and kids. They are what really matters. I understood that whether I was broke or a millionaire, they would still love me and be there for me. They’d rather have a broke wife or mother than no mother at all.

What advice would you give to a budding entrepreneur or career woman? 
If being a success was easy, everybody would do it. Immediate success may not come, but if you’re focused, determined and steadfast you’ll get the desires of your heart. Never stop believing in yourself. In your lowest moments, be your biggest cheerleader. If you believe you were destined for greatness, then you can achieve your greatness.

What does being a BOSS mean to you?
Being a BOSS means being a leader and a visionary. A BOSS has to be determined, hard working and dedicated to seeing their vision come forth. When times get rough, a BOSS knows how to ride the waves until they can make it to the shoreline. A BOSS is not a quitter; they know how to work with what they got until they can get what they want. A true BOSS knows how to connect with people and help push others to their destinies. A true BOSS understands that there is no “I” in team. They understand that if they’re going to do anything of great significance, then they have to be able to lead, impart and guide others along the journey.

Trish M. is the owner and CEO of Professional Translations Inc., a translation company that translates to and from over 160 languages worldwide with over 1,000 translators from all over the world within the network.

For more information about Trish M, please visit or follow her on Twitter at @LadyTrishM.

The BOSS Network is a community of career and entrepreneurial women who support each other through conversation, online and event-based networking. Their mission is to promote and encourage the small business spirit and professional development of women. For more information on The BOSS Network, please visit

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