Chicago State University in danger of closing: Alumni speak out

Photo courtesy of Kevin McGowan

Name: Kevin McGowan

Class of: Spring 1997

Major: Sociology

Tell us your feelings about the current financial struggles CSU is currently going through.
I think it’s terrible!  I wish the State had its financial house in order.  From the information I’ve seen, CSU wouldn’t be in the situation if our State had a budget.  Our elected officials need to work together and stop the stalemate to correct this, not only for CSU but all the other agencies and institutions around the state can get back to work.  Even if CSU had the reserves to stay open, due to the fact that there’s no State budget, students aren’t getting their MAP Awards to cover school costs.  Many students would have to sit out even if CSU could stay open.

What do you think could be done to save CSU at this time?
A State budget or investment from the private community.  The bigger issue here is why is CSU the only City school having this issue?  The other colleges in universities in the city seem to be flush with cash from grants, endowments, partnerships with big businesses, all of which help them immensely, as compared to CSU.  Why can’t we get these groups to invest more in our community? Our students?  Our future?

What does CSU mean to the Black community?
It is a huge part of our community! During its entire history, CSU is single handedly responsible for making hundreds of thousands of African-Americans successful.  Most of those people being teachers!  Think of that ripple effect.  The number of people around this city who are successful because of their CSU educated teacher!

What does CSU mean to you?
CSU is a huge part of my life. My mother worked in the Child Care Center when I was young. My siblings and I went to camp there.  When I was in high school, I worked there during the summers.  My mother, sister and I all have degrees from CSU. I started work on my Masters there.  When I think about it closing down, it hurts my heart.  Not only because of my family’s ties to the school but what it means to the Black community and the South Side of Chicago.

What would you say is the best life lesson you learned at CSU?
I didn’t learn a lesson, per say. But being on that campus from the ages of nine until seventeen,I…knew I was going to college!  It’s ironic that I end up getting my degree from there.

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